Brain-Dead Debbie Wasserman Schultz Says Spending Cuts Making Staffers Go Hungry

The perm solution Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz slathers her head in must have seeped into Wasserman Schultz’s brain because she is saying that the Automatic federal spending cuts are causing her staffers to go hungry.

Wasserman Schultz even laughingly said, “We have to come together and promote initiatives that improve the quality of life in the House of Representatives.”

What a stupid f’ing liberal dumb ass! Get a clue you perm-headded skank!!

Automatic federal cuts are bringing staffers to the brink of starvation, suggested Debbie Wasserman Schultz, at a recent House Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee hearing.

Restaurants on the House side of Congress are increasing in cost so much that aides are being “priced out” of a good meal, she said, as Fox News reported. The comments came by way of a discussion about the impacts of the sequester on lawmakers’ office budgets. Rep. Jim Moran said he may be forced to lay off a staffer — and then Ms. Wasserman Schultz weighed in with her tale of hard times.

Just to clarify: An 8-ounce bowl of Ham and Bean

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Romney Browsed Binder of Women to Fill Cabinet Posts – Obama Picked His Staff From Binder of Muslims

Romney Browsed Binder of Women to Fill Cabinet Posts - Obama Picked His Staff From Binder of Muslims

Romney Browsed Binder of Women to Fill Cabinet Posts – Obama Picked His Staff From Binder of Muslims

Obama and the brain-dead Democrats are trying to make waves with Romney’s statement that he looked through binders of women candidates to find the most qualifies women when filling his cabinet positions, yet when Obama was trying to fill his staff positions, he picked from binders of Muslims, not women.

Obama doesn’t care about women, Hispanics, or Black people, which is very easy to see from his administrations actions. Obama really only cares about scamming these group’s votes, and once he has stolen their votes Obama will most assuredly leave these groups high and dry once again, with no help on the horizon.

Romney will be a President for everyone, and will not leave groups behind, like Obama has done.

Critics have tried to make something out of nothing regarding Mitt Romney’s “binder” statement regarding women. Somehow, the fact that the Governor of Massachusetts sought out women to hire at the highest levels of state government is embarrassing because of the physical

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Obama Campaign Staff Falsely Posed as Election Officials to Gain Access to High Schools

Obama Campaign Staff Falsely Posed as Election Officials to Gain Access to High Schools

Obama Campaign Staff Falsely Posed as Election Officials to Gain Access to High Schools

The Obama administration has sunk to a new low – falsely, and probably illegally, impersonating election officials to gain access to high schools, and then spreading Obama propaganda and lies to the unsuspecting high school students, once Obama’s infiltrators had successfully lied their way into the high school.

There needs to be a full investigation into this very serious matter, and any Obama staffers who falsely impersonated election officials, and entered schools under those false pretenses, should be arrested and charged to the full extent of the law.

This morning, I wrote about the Obama campaign spreading misinformation about early voting in Pasco County, Florida. The effort is an obvious attempt to confuse voters and potentially reduce the number of GOP voters turning up at the polls. However, a more serious allegation against the Obama campaign has surfaced. Its staffers were able to speak before high school classes by posing as officials from Pasco County’s election office. This is likely illegal.

Obama campaign’s deception came to

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Obama’s Department of Justice Used Left-Wing Media Matters to Spin Eric Holder Scandals & Lies

Obama's Department of Justice Used Left-Wing Media Matters to Spin Eric Holder Scandals & Lies

Obama’s Department of Justice Used Left-Wing Media Matters to Spin Eric Holder Scandals & Lies

Another day, another scandal in Obama’s Department of Justice, usually concerning the ultra-corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder, and this case is no different.

Newly released Department of Justice emails show that Eric Holder’s communications staff colluded with the left-wing advocacy group Media Matters for America, in an attempt to spin Eric Holder’s lies, and coverup his corruption.

How many chances do these Democrat jackasses get before the American People stand up and say ENOUGH! Get your skinny, corrupt ass out of here before we throw you out!

Internal Department of Justice emails obtained by The Daily Caller show Attorney General Eric Holder’s communications staff has collaborated with the left-wing advocacy group Media Matters for America in an attempt to quell news stories about scandals plaguing Holder and America’s top law enforcement agency.

Dozens of pages of emails between DOJ Office of Public Affairs Director Tracy Schmaler and Media Matters staffers show Schmaler, Holder’s top press defender, working with Media Matters to attack reporters covering DOJ

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Obama’s Handpicked Product Safety Commission Tries Destroying Company by Banning Buckeyballs Products

Obama's Handpicked Product Safety Commission Tries Destroying Company by Banning Products

Obama’s Handpicked Product Safety Commission Tries Destroying Company by Banning Buckeyballs Products

Obama’s handpicked Consumer Product Safety Commission agency is trying to put a company out of business that sells toys for adults.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission attack on the manufacturer of Buckyballs is the first such attempt to stop sales by the agency in 11 years – and say that the toy is a danger to kids because a few kids have swallowed some of the magnetic metal balls that are part of the toy, which is designed for adults, and has extensive warnings on the packaging.

I think many more kids swallow coins than swallow Buckyballs, so will Obama’s Consumer Product Safety Commission agency try and ban coins as well?
With Obama’s active job killing policies, we wouldn’t be surprised.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission thinks they are so dangerous that the agency did something a few days ago that it hasn’t done in 11 years. It sued the maker of the adult toy, Buckyballs, to have them removed from the market.

This morning Craig Zucker, the

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Michelle Obama’s South Africa Vacation Cost Taxpayers over $500,000.00

Michelle Obama’s South Africa Vacation Cost Taxpayers over a half million dollars.Actually, they are saying that it could be closer to $800,000.00 when you take everything we had to pay for into consideration.

I’m so sick of hearing the Obamas and other liberals talking about cutting back and conserving, when they obviously do not plan on taking their own advice.   Remove the corrupt “King and Queen Obama”.

First Lady Michelle Obama’s trip to South Africa and Botswana last week cost taxpayers well over half a million dollars, possibly in the range of $700,000 or $800,000, according to an analysis by White House Dossier.

Many of the trip’s expenses cannot be obtained with specificity, including the cost of local transportation for the first lady, Secret Service protection, the care and feeding of staffers, and pre-trip advance work done by administration officials in South Africa.

But it is possible to estimate some of these costs and put a price tag on one of the major expenses – her transportation to and from southern Africa and her trips between cities there.

While the goals of her journey – “youth leadership, education, health and wellness”

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