PREDICTION: Democrats Will Decrease Number of Debates After Yet Another Complete Embarrassment

Democrats are destroying themselves, and I love it – but the Democrats certainly don’t like the fact that the Democrats come off looking like a bunch of entitled Socialist douchebags bickering back and forth. “You did this – No, you did that”, with no ideas for how to help America.

Watching the Democrat debates is like watching a bunch of “doom & gloom” 12 year-olds argue about who is the biggest fucking loser – including the Fake News CNN hack moderators.

“She (Democrat Kamala Harris) put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations, and then laughed about it when she was asked if she’d ever smoked marijuana. She blocked evidence that would have freed a man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California. And she fought to keep cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way.” – Democrat Tulsi Gabbard

“The bottom line is, when you were in a position to make a difference and an impact in these people’s lives, you did not and worse yet in the case of those who are on death row, innocent people, you actually blocked evidence from being revealed that would have freed them until you were forced to do so. There’s no excuse for that and the people who suffered under your reign as prosecutor — you owe them an apology.” – Democrat Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard is an idiot who claims that President Trump supports Al Qaeda, so we’re definitely not pulling for Gabbard, but we do find it amusing how the Fake News Media liars at CNN and MSNBC have their thumbs on the scale again in favor of the candidates they support – but after Democrat Tulsi Gabbard did some damage to the Establishment Democrat darling, Kamala Harris, the Fake News Media Liars are now trying to claim that Democrat Tulsi Gabbard is being helped by the Russians. Democrats are Amazingly stupid!

The Democrats only want to make themselves rich while destroying America. These fuck-faces will hand out our hard-earned tax dollars to every illegal criminal who dares to break the laws of our nation to enter the US illegally – while COMPLETELY ignoring the poor and homeless American citizens who need help – but these idiots have no ideas that the American People will support, and they certainly can’t defend themselves when facing their own records.

This is why I have a very good feeling that the Democrats will soon announce that they are decreasing the number of DNC Debates, and will make some kind of bullshit excuse, but the real reason is because the Democrats don’t want to keep trotting out their stable of losers before the American People, only to be laughed at and made into funny memes.

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