Brain-Dead Debbie Wasserman Schultz Says Spending Cuts Making Staffers Go Hungry

The perm solution Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz slathers her head in must have seeped into Wasserman Schultz’s brain because she is saying that the Automatic federal spending cuts are causing her staffers to go hungry.

Wasserman Schultz even laughingly said, “We have to come together and promote initiatives that improve the quality of life in the House of Representatives.”

What a stupid f’ing liberal dumb ass! Get a clue you perm-headded skank!!

Automatic federal cuts are bringing staffers to the brink of starvation, suggested Debbie Wasserman Schultz, at a recent House Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee hearing.

Restaurants on the House side of Congress are increasing in cost so much that aides are being “priced out” of a good meal, she said, as Fox News reported. The comments came by way of a discussion about the impacts of the sequester on lawmakers’ office budgets. Rep. Jim Moran said he may be forced to lay off a staffer — and then Ms. Wasserman Schultz weighed in with her tale of hard times.

Just to clarify: An 8-ounce bowl of Ham and Bean

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Food Stamp Spending Up 100 Percent Since Obama Took Office – 80 Percent of Farm Bill Stolen to Fund Food Stamp Funds

Food Stamp Spending Up 100 Percent Since Obama Took Office - 80 percent of the Farm Bill goes to pay for food stamps, and only 20 percent actually helps farmers.

Food Stamp Spending Up 100 Percent Since Obama Took Office - 80 percent of the Farm Bill goes to pay for food stamps, and only 20 percent actually helps farmers.

This is not shocking to some of us who have been following the badly failed policies of the Obama administration, but we think that many people will be shocked to learn that, since Obama won the presidency, food stamp spending has gone up 100 percent!

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamp) funds come out of the Farm Bill, which is supposed to help farmers, yet 80 percent of the farm bill’s cost go to pay for food stamps! Next year alone, our government will spend $82 billion on food stamps, and it is estimated that we will spend an additional $770 billion on food stamps over the next ten years!

“Food stamp spending has more than quadrupled, four times, it’s increased fourfold since the year 2001. It has increased 100 percent since President Obama took office,” – Jeff Sessions

Why is the Farm Bill being used for social wealth redistribution, …

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Inept Harry Reid Wishes Tea Party Power Will Fade, Blames Republicans For The Obama, Democrat Downgrade

It’s funny to hear someone like inept Harry Reid, who came very close to losing his seat to a tea party Republican, talk about the demise of the Tea Party. Wishful thinking Harry, but it isn’t going to happen!

If Harry Reid thinks that the tea party is fading away, then just wait – Harry is in for some very big surprises!
The Tea Party is getting stronger every day, despite the corrupt liberal media attacking them. The Tea Party will take more seats away from corrupt Democrats in 2012, (maybe even Harry’s) at which time not even the corrupt Obama-Swooning liberal media or Harry Reid will not be able to deny the power of the people.

“Anyone who minimizes the Tea Party by extension minimizes the (Obama Administration’s) massive spending problems that created it in the first place.”

Can Harry Reid wait out the Tea Party?

The Senate majority leader seems to think so.

Reid sat down with more than 30 Review-Journal staffers Friday afternoon for an hour-long Q&A session at the newspaper’s offices. The bulk of the back

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Debt Ceiling Sham Will Not Help Debt Or Stop Obama’s Over-Spending Binge

The more details that come out about the debt ceiling deal struck between the Republicans and Democrats, the more it seems that the deal will not help our nation’s debt problem, or stop Obama’s rampant over-spending binge. In fact, it will most likely make things much worse.

“The Congressional Budget Office currently projects that $9.5 trillion in new debt will have to be issued over the next 10 years. Even if all of the reductions proposed in the deal were to come to pass, which is highly unlikely, that would still leave $7.1 trillion in new debt accumulation by 2021. Our problems have not been solved by a long shot.”

We need to take away Obama’s Blank Check, and in order to save The United States, work to remove as much of the corruption from Washington in 2012! THE CLEAN-UP STARTS WITH OBAMA!

By supposedly compromising to raise the debt ceiling, Congress and the President have now paved the way for ever higher levels of federal spending. Although, the nation was spared the trauma of borrowing restrictions, the actual risk

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