Gang of 8 Bill Incentivizes Businesses to Hire Illegals instead of US Citizens

The more we learn about the Gang of 8 amnesty bill being rammed through Congress, in conjunction with the Obamacare law previously rammed through, the more we are sure both laws will damage the United States very badly.

What does Obama care though, he is out of office in a few years (if not sooner by Impeachment) and actually wants the United States to continue it’s fall from grace into that of a 3rd world country, where they can install a socialistic government.

Under the Gang of 8’s backroom immigration deal with Senators Schumer, Corker and Hoeven, formerly illegal immigrants who are amnestied will be eligible to work, but will not be eligible for ObamaCare. Employers who would be required to pay as much as a $3,000 penalty for most employees who receive an ObamaCare healthcare “exchange” subsidy, would not have to pay the penalty if they hire amnestied immigrants.

Consequently, employers would have a significant incentive to hire or retain amnestied immigrants, rather than current citizens, including those who have recently achieved citizenship via the current naturalization process.


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Border Fence Funds to be Wasted Again – Fence Won’t Be Built No Matter What Corrupt Politicians on Both Sides Promise

No matter how many times the corrupt Democrats and the Republican pussies say that they will spend $40 billion on 700 miles of border fencing, it is just another lie.

Border Fence Funds to be Wasted Again - Fence Won't Be Built No Matter What Corrupt Politicians on Both Sides Promise

Border Fence Funds to be Wasted Again – Fence Won’t Be Built No Matter What Corrupt Politicians on Both Sides Promise

We have heard it time and time again, going back to the 80s. The border fence was already funded, but never built because Demorats want open borders and a less secure nation, and Republicans are a bunch of pansies who have no balls. Instead of building the fence promised to the American People, the corrupt politicians spent the money on their own pet projects.

Members of Congress who promise that money will be spent on efforts to secure the border conveniently withhold the fact that one Congress cannot bind a future Congress to appropriate funds mandated by already established laws. Such a practice is known as legislative entrenchment and courts have long upheld this position. If a future Congress does not want to appropriate funds to hire more border

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Harry Reid Plans Amnesty Vote on Monday – Brain-Dead Republicans Go Along – Will Be Voted Out Soon Afterwards

Corrupt, short-sighted Republicans and Democrats will duplicate the Obamacare fiasco and vote on the 1200 page immigration reform (amnesty) bill without even reading the bill.

We will say it once again. Conservatives need to vote against this bill and do the work to secure our borders before moving ahead with the Amnesty bill proposed by the brain-dead “Gang of 8”. (Gang of Pussies and Complete Idiots)

Harry Reid plans on ramming through the immigration reform bill with a vote on Monday. The Democrats want this done quickly, before people have a chance to actually read the bill and find out all of the horrible things that it contains.

The bill even gives Bull-Dyke Janet Napolitano the authority to stop the border security from being put in place, and that is exactly what she will do on behalf of the Open Borders Obama administration.

We stress that any and all conservatives that vote for this amnesty bill WILL be signing their own pink slip, and will be targeted to be voted out of office in the next election.

Another loophole inserted

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Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

Brainless "Gang of 8" May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

The Congressional Budget Office is a complete JOKE, and should be done away with!!

What is the point of having a Congressional Budget Office, which is always touted as non-partisan, when the CBO only crunches the numbers they are given?
What usually happens, and we have seen time and time again from the Obama administration, is that the party trying to ram through some bill gives the Congressional Budget Office phony numbers to crunch, so when the crunching is complete, the party gets the results they think will help make their case.

If you put phony numbers in, you will get phony results back out. It’s that simple – and the gaggle of corrupt politicians in Washington know how to work the system to get what they want.

Take, for example, the latest immigration fight, where Republicans have completely caved into the pressure the Democrats put on them, and are ready to hand the Democrats what they want. Amnesty for over 20 million illegal …

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Corrupt Bull-Dyke Napolitano Says Obama Admin Can Pick & Chose Which Laws to Enforce

Corrupt Bull-Dyke Napolitano Says Obama Admin Can Pick & Chose Which Laws to EnforceDuring a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said that he believes that she and other Obama administration officials are free to decide on their own which US laws to enforce, and which can be ignored.

It’s pretty evident that this latest Napolitano brain-fart is just the byproduct of the ultra-corrupt nature of Obama and his cronies, who feel that they are above the law, and can do anything they like.

Call and write the Obama administratio,n and Bull-Dyke Napolitano, and let them know that they are not above the law, and need to enforce the laws of our nation, even if they don’t like the laws they are sworn to enforce.

During her testimony on the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano declared that she, President Barack Obama and other political officials at the top of this administration have the authority to decide which laws to enforce, and which ones to ignore.

Napolitano made the declaration in an exchange

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