ANY Republican Pussy Who Votes to Confirm Loretta Lynch Better Start Looking For New Jobs!

Sen. Bob Corker sounds like he may be one of the pussy fake Republicans who plan on confirming Loretta Lynch, but we have news for any Republican stupid and weak enough to vote with the liberals.

Fake Conservatives McCain, Hatch, Collins, Portman Again Vote With Democrat to Pass Budget - Even After Learning About Ryan Lies

Fake Conservatives McCain, Hatch, Collins, Portman Again Vote With Democrat to Pass Budget – Even After Learning About Ryan Lies

Any so-called Republican who votes with the Democrats to confirm Obama’s nominee for attorney general, Loretta Lynch, are an enemy of the Republican Party, and we will work with many others to destroy them in any legal and non-volent way possible!

We, the good conservatives, will no longer stand for weak ass Republican pussies, who call themselves conservative, but vote like liberals.

John McCain, Paul Ryan, Orrin Hatch, Saxby Chambliss, Johnny Isakson, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Ron Johnson, John Hoeven, and Rob Portman, this means you!

Vote for Loretta Lynch, and we will tirelessly work for free to destroy all of you in the next election! Plain and simple.

President Obama’s nominee for attorney general Loretta Lynch is likely to receive a vote in

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14 Republican Senators Sign Own Walking Papers With Vote For Amnesty Bill – Tea Party Challenger Hunt Underway

14 Republican Senators Sign Own Walking Papers With Vote For Amnesty Bill - Tea Party Challenger Hunt UnderwayHere are the names of the 14 Republican pussies in the Senate who caved to the Democrat’s and voted for the ‘Gang of 8’ pork-filled Amnesty bill.

Looking over this list – there is not one strong Conservative in the bunch. All of these fake conservatives have sold-out the American People for a few non-existent votes.

  • Lamar Alexander
  • Kelly Ayotte
  • Jeffrey Chiesa
  • Susan Collins
  • Bob Corker
  • Jeff Flake
  • Lindsey Graham
  • Orrin Hatch
  • Dean Heller
  • John Hoeven
  • Mark Kirk
  • John McCain
  • Lisa Murkowski
  • Marco Rubio

Hope it was worth it!

Each of these nutless turds will surely be targeted by Tea Party Patriots in the next election, and many of them will end up losing their cushy jobs due to their brainless vote for the surprise-filled ‘Gang of 8’ Amnesty bill, which will hopefully die in the House of Representatives anyway.

It’s time for John McCain, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Orrin Hatch, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, John Hoeven, Lisa Murkowskim, Mark Kirk, Dean Heller, Lamar Alexander, Kelly Ayotte and Jeffrey Chiesa to go! Tea Party Patriots should make sure

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Harry Reid Plans Amnesty Vote on Monday – Brain-Dead Republicans Go Along – Will Be Voted Out Soon Afterwards

Corrupt, short-sighted Republicans and Democrats will duplicate the Obamacare fiasco and vote on the 1200 page immigration reform (amnesty) bill without even reading the bill.

We will say it once again. Conservatives need to vote against this bill and do the work to secure our borders before moving ahead with the Amnesty bill proposed by the brain-dead “Gang of 8”. (Gang of Pussies and Complete Idiots)

Harry Reid plans on ramming through the immigration reform bill with a vote on Monday. The Democrats want this done quickly, before people have a chance to actually read the bill and find out all of the horrible things that it contains.

The bill even gives Bull-Dyke Janet Napolitano the authority to stop the border security from being put in place, and that is exactly what she will do on behalf of the Open Borders Obama administration.

We stress that any and all conservatives that vote for this amnesty bill WILL be signing their own pink slip, and will be targeted to be voted out of office in the next election.

Another loophole inserted

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