Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

Brainless "Gang of 8" May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

The Congressional Budget Office is a complete JOKE, and should be done away with!!

What is the point of having a Congressional Budget Office, which is always touted as non-partisan, when the CBO only crunches the numbers they are given?
What usually happens, and we have seen time and time again from the Obama administration, is that the party trying to ram through some bill gives the Congressional Budget Office phony numbers to crunch, so when the crunching is complete, the party gets the results they think will help make their case.

If you put phony numbers in, you will get phony results back out. It’s that simple – and the gaggle of corrupt politicians in Washington know how to work the system to get what they want.

Take, for example, the latest immigration fight, where Republicans have completely caved into the pressure the Democrats put on them, and are ready to hand the Democrats what they want. Amnesty for over 20 million illegal …

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Does Apple Use Shady Tax Gimmicks & Loopholes to Avoid Paying Fair Share of Taxes?

rotten-at-the-coreA new report by Senate investigators accuses Apple of taking advantage of tax gimmicks and loopholes that help the company avoid paying their fair share of US taxes.

The report says that Apple pays ‘little or no corporate tax in any country’.

Companies, no matter who they are or how big they are, should be forced to pay the true amount of taxes they owe, and not be able to use all kinds of loopholes to stash money overseas.

Senate investigators accuse Apple of wiring together a complicated system to shield billions of dollars in international profits from both U.S. and foreign tax collectors.

A report released ahead of Apple CEO Tim Cook’s inaugural Capitol Hill appearance Tuesday alleges the tech giant took advantage of numerous U.S. tax loopholes and avoided U.S. taxes on $44 billion in offshore, taxable income between 2009 and 2012 — a characterization Apple flatly rejects.

The bipartisan Senate probe also charges for the first time that Apple’s long established foreign entities, based in Ireland, don’t actually have tax-resident status there or anywhere else. The company

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CBO: Obama’s Gimmick-Filled Budget Adds $5.2 Trillion To Deficit

Obama Budget Adds $5.2 Trillion To Deficit

Obama Budget Adds $5.2 Trillion To Deficit

According to the Congressional Budget Office, Obama’s new gimmick-filled budget add $5.2 trillion to the federal deficit.

The real numbers are actually much higher than $5.2 trillion, and as usual the CBO will revise their numbers upwards, once they get more accurate information and not just relying on the phony numbers which the corrupt Obama administration provided.

With the IRS-Gate Scandal, Benghazi-Gate Scandal, and the AP-Gate Scandal, Obama has shown that he and his cronies cannot be trusted in any facet of running the government. Now that some of the media has started pulling their heads out of Obama’s ass, maybe we will soon start learning about all of the laws that the Obama administration have been breaking.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says President Barack Obama’s 2014 budget would add $5.2 trillion in deficits over the next ten years and contains nearly $1 trillion in new taxes.

The Obama budget, which was delivered two months after the legally-required deadline, is larded with accounting gimmicks that count as savings war and disaster contingency

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