True ‘Secrets of Playboy’ Revealed!

This one is very easy. Here are the deepest Secrets of Playboy.

True 'Secrets of Playboy' Revealed!

True ‘Secrets of Playboy’ Revealed!

Once-upon-a-time, a man named Hugh Hefner had a magazine, called Playboy, that paid some semi-attractive talent-less skanks a lot of money to show their tits in their magazine.

Some of the skanks were allowed to stay and live in the Playboy mansion for free after they were old and used-up, and the skanks loved their lives! They had TV shows, were taken care of in every way, and attended many lavish parties with celebrities.

But the moment that the man who took care of them died, the skanks realize that their cash cow was gone, so the money-grubbing skanks now needed a new way to make money.

The former Playboy skanks immediately start attacking the man and magazine that gave them pretty much everything they have, because, after all, they are talent-less money-grubbing skanks who don’t have many skills above showing their tits.

End of story.

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