Anti Conservative Hate Mail From Phillip Boll –

I really like posting the hate mail that receives, and here is a good one from someone apparently named Phillip Boll, who apparently never finished grade school because he is obviously way too fucking stupid to think for himself, has no writing skills, and just parrots the worst bile from the libtard leftists the Democrat party.

ASSHOLES ARE YEE – You Trumpies are mindless stepford wives..
.you would eat the shit stain of Donald Drumpf’s tightie are traitors of Democracy..move to Russia and suck Putin’s balls like your boy Trump. I despise you with my heart and are racist, bigoted assholes and you know think youre tough being little coward bullies like the fat sick narcissist that Putin put in the WH..good must eventually prevail over you lowlife trailer go back to lovin on your sisters and collecting your welfare douche nozzles –


Democrats are the party of slavery, racism, KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, criminals, illegal aliens, drugs, prostitution, murdering babies, normalization of mental illness & drag queens, and the list goes on. Basically, if there is a horrid deviant position that can be taken, the Democrats have a firm hold on that position, and will attack anyone else who doesn’t agree.

If ANYONE is a traitor to Democracy it is the Alt-Left Democrats who would rather burn the US Constitution than to uphold the supreme law of the United States.

As far as being called a “little coward”, I would put the toughness of conservative Alpha Males up against the nutless Zeta Males that the Democrat party is pumping out at an alarming rate.

I also find it quite amusing how this dumbfuck tells me and other conservatives to “go back to lovin on your sisters and collecting your welfare” when everyone knows that the only deviants sick enough to fuck their sister are Democrats, and probably 85% of Americans receiving welfare are also Democrats.

I don’t really know anything about Phillip Boll other than he is an the unhinged loser, but would also bet just about anything that Mr. Boll is your typical low-life nutless leftie Socialist millennial, who has been thoroughly brainwashed by the non-stop very fake news from CNN and MSNBC, wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked him in the face, and relies on food stamps and government assistance to survive. Just an educated guess..



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