Now John Kerry’s State Dept. May Stonewall Congress on Benghazi Subpoena

Now John Kerry's State Dept. May Stonewall on Congressional Benghazi Subpoena

Now John Kerry’s State Dept. May Stonewall on Congressional Benghazi Subpoena

It looks like the Obama administration has gotten to John Kerry, and it seems that Kerry will inevitably be dragged by the ear into helping the Obama administration cover up their inept mishandling and outright lies surrounding the Benghazi Terrorist Attack.

We thought that John Kerry would be one of the only stand-up Democrats that would not feel the overwhelming need to coverup other Democrat’s mistakes, and actually comply with the congressional subpoena.

We certainly hope John Kerry does the right thing, and fully cooperates with the congressional investigation into the Obama administration’s inept mishandling of the Benghazi Terrorist Attack and subsequent coverup by corrupt members of this administration.


Spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters Wednesday that the State Department has not decided if it will comply with a congressional subpoena demanding documents related to the crafting of Benghazi talking points for Susan Rice.

Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a five-page letter on Tuesday explaining why he as chair of the Oversight Committee issued

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Bipartisan House Votes to Hold Eric Holder in Criminal Contempt of Congress

Bipartisan House Votes to Hold Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress

Bipartisan House Votes to Hold Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress

Today, a bipartisan group of Democrats and Republicans voted to hold Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for withholding critical documents from the Fast and Furious investigation.

The contempt vote included 17 Democrats joining in with Republicans to hold Eric Holder accountable for his stonewalling and lies.

Now we need to remove Eric Holder and Barack Obama from public office!

The House on Thursday cited Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. for contempt of Congress in a historic vote weighted with political significance, though it does little to break the stalemate over his decision to withhold documents over the Justice Department’s actions in a botched gun-walking operation.

The 255-67 vote amounted to a political spanking for Mr. Holder and President Obama, and 17 Democrats joined with Republicans in demanding the documents be released. Most Democrats, however, walked out in protest of the vote.

It marks the first time an attorney general has been held in contempt by a chamber.

But the White House dismissed the proceedings as a sideshow,

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