American People Want to Know – Where was Obama during Benghazi Terror Attack? Las Vegas?

Former Communications Director for the National Security Council, Tommy Vietor, says that Obama was “in the White House” during the Benghazi Terror Attack on our U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya – but is that the truth?

American People Want to Know - Where was Obama during Benghazi Terror Attack? Las Vegas?

American People Want to Know – Where was Obama during Benghazi Terror Attack? Las Vegas?

We know Obama wasn’t in the Situation Room, where he should have been if Obama were a “real” President, but was he actually in the White House at all?

We don’t think he was. We believe this to be another Obama administration lie to cover-up for the fact that Obama wasn’t even in the White House. Obama was most likely on Air Force One or already in Las Vegas while that Terror Attack in Benghazi took place.

Reports say that Obama left the next morning to head to a fund raiser in Las Vegas, but from everything we have read, we think that Obama actually left the night of the attack, and possibly while the attack was taking place.

Republican senators on Friday put pressure on President Obama to

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