Video Shows Democrat Domestic Terrorist Thug Animals Shot in Self Defense While Attacking Armed Man

Here is an example of a completely fucking perfect shooting, where an Albuquerque man was forced to protect his life using his conceal & carry firearm, while being violently attacked by a group of democrat domestic terrorist thug animals, using skateboards and knives – both weapons can easily be deadly.

I haven’t seen anything other than this video, so I don’t know all the circumstances, but he’s probably very lucky to have had the chance to shoot the democrat thugs who were trying to take his gun away while hitting him over the head with skateboards. Just the skateboard attack is definitely assault with a deadly weapon, and calls for the use of deadly force, but the other antifa terrorist was trying to take away his gun, and if you value your life that just can’t happen!

Now, for a little humor in the situation, watch the video again and listen to the antifa brainiac tell the crowd “GET HIS FUCKING LICENSE PLATE”, while the man kneeling in the street and not even in his car. Um.. PEOPLE don’t wear license plates you stupid douchebag.

He may have been arrested,and he may be charged by the leftist cunts in Albuquerque , but the Bottom line is that no jury in America would convict this guy after seeing these videos of self defense – unless the jury was picked by Soros democrats.

Many people might have continued shooting until the threat was neutralized, but this guy showed great restraint and responsibility. He didn’t even run off after shooting the two animals.

Personally, if it’s a choice between defending my life or not, I’d rather be investigated for a problematic shooting than dead in the street – killed by some stupid worthless violent animal.

I have a feeling that a LOT more of this exact same scene will play out in every democrat-run city and state who have embraced, protected & enabled the democrat domestic terrorists to terrorize America, and then torn down the police who would usually protect us.

If this guy gets arrested for the perfect shooting, then a defense fund should be created and everyone should donate to the shooter’s legal defense.

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