Brain-Dead Debbie Wasserman Schultz Says Spending Cuts Making Staffers Go Hungry

The perm solution Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz slathers her head in must have seeped into Wasserman Schultz’s brain because she is saying that the Automatic federal spending cuts are causing her staffers to go hungry.

Wasserman Schultz even laughingly said, “We have to come together and promote initiatives that improve the quality of life in the House of Representatives.”

What a stupid f’ing liberal dumb ass! Get a clue you perm-headded skank!!

Automatic federal cuts are bringing staffers to the brink of starvation, suggested Debbie Wasserman Schultz, at a recent House Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee hearing.

Restaurants on the House side of Congress are increasing in cost so much that aides are being “priced out” of a good meal, she said, as Fox News reported. The comments came by way of a discussion about the impacts of the sequester on lawmakers’ office budgets. Rep. Jim Moran said he may be forced to lay off a staffer — and then Ms. Wasserman Schultz weighed in with her tale of hard times.

Just to clarify: An 8-ounce bowl of Ham and Bean

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Kelly Clarkson Plastic Surgery Nightmare?

What happened to Kelly Clarkson?

Kelly Clarkson Plastic Surgery Nightmare?

Kelly Clarkson Plastic Surgery Nightmare?

I never thought she was hot, but at least she used to look kind of cute. Now she looks like a completely different person, and not for the better.

We wonder if Kelly Clarkson had some bad cosmetic surgery though because now she looks like a fat and pasty weirdo. Maybe it’s just the nasty roots and straw she has in place of her hair..

Look at the image we put together that shows Kelly a few years ago (on left), and how she looked recently (on right).

All I can say about Kelly now is Ewwww! and Nasty!

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Rep. Ann McLane Kuster Tax Evasion – Typical Democrat Crime Goes Unpunished

Here we see one more example of Democrats who never pay their taxes, and we are quickly learning that it is not a crime to be a tax evader, if you are a Democrat.

Rep. Ann McLane Kuster Tax Evasion - Typical Democrat Crime Goes Unpunished

Rep. Ann McLane Kuster Tax Evasion – Typical Democrat Crime Goes Unpunished

Republicans usually pay their taxes, but if for some reason a Republican had tax problems, they would have gone straight to jail. Democrats, on the other hand are always able to weasel their way out of being held accountable for their crimes.

The whole group of corrupt Democrat tax evaders caught in the last few years should all be in prison, not in positions of power, where they have already proven that they cannot be trusted.

Rep. Ann McLane Kuster (D., N.H.) owes nearly $11,000 in overdue property taxes on her two homes, according to WMUR New Hampshire’s Political Scoop:

In fact, property tax records show Kuster has been delinquent on more than $40,000 in property taxes over the last three years. For her primary residence, she’s been delinquent on six different, consecutive assessments.

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Obama Shoots Bald Eagle With AK47

OOPS! The original image is supposed to be of Obama skeet shooting on his 51st B-Day, but in reality, this was a staged photograph which aimed to show Obama as a friend to second amendment supporters.

Anti-American Obama shoots Bald Eagle with AK47

Anti-American Obama shoots Bald Eagle with AK47

Anyone who has actually shot skeet would tell you that he would be aimed up, instead of aiming straight ahead, if Obama actually was skeet shooting, which he wasn’t.

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Brain-Dead Jackasses Feinstein & Obama Take Aim at Our Gun Rights – Exempt Gov Officials

Jackasses Feinstein & Obama Take Aim at Our Gun Rights

Jackasses Feinstein & Obama Take Aim at Our Gun Rights

Dianne Dumbfuck Feinstein’s gun control bill aims to take away your gun rights, and my gun rights, and at the same time exempt government officials to allow them to keep their guns rights.

Maybe Dianne Feinstein will do us all a favor and use her gun to off herself.

Not everyone will have to abide by Senator Dianne Feinstein’s gun control bill. If the proposed legislation becomes law, government officials and others will be exempt.

“Mrs. Feinstein’s measure would exempt more than 2,200 types of hunting and sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and retired law enforcement personnel,” the Washington Times reports.

The Huffington Post confirms these exemptions, and adds that guns owned prior to the legislation becoming law will be permissble, too. “[T]he bill includes a number of exemptions: It exempts more than 2,200 hunting and sporting weapons; any gun manually operated by a bolt, pump, lever or slide action; any weapons used by government

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Obama is the Antichrist

Here are a few pictures of Obama that prove he is the Antichrist.

Obama is the Prince of Darkness.

Obama is the Prince of Darkness.


Obama the Antichrist! - Obama is the most evil and corrupt president in US History.

Obama the Antichrist! – Obama is the most evil and corrupt president in US History.


Obama, The worst president in US History is actually Satan in a Suit.

Obama, The worst president in US History is actually Satan in a Suit.

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Brain Dead Idiot Bob Costas’ Gun Control Rant

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

Does Bob really believe the stupid-ass crap that came out of his mouth, when he said “If Jovan Belcher didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.”?

This was a 6’2” 228 pound linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs, who didn’t need a gun to kill – He has all of the strength and aggressiveness to kill the lady anytime he pleased, with just his bare hands.

If Jovan Belcher wanted to kill Kasandra Perkins, there are no gun laws that would have stopped the crime. The killer would have just used a different method of killing.

If guns were outlawed, he would have used a bat, crowbar, or a hammer, or just his bare hands. Should those other legal products be outlawed because they may be used in violent crimes?

Here is what I believe.
Bob Costas, and anyone else who wants to take away my right to own a …

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America Doomed: Overrun by Brain Dead Dumb Fucks!

America is COMPLETELY Fucked!

America Doomed: Overrun by Brain Dead Dumb Fucks! Anyone who voted to re-elect Obama can go fuck yourself!

America Doomed: Overrun by Brain Dead Dumb Fucks! Anyone who voted to re-elect Obama can go fuck yourself!

The United States is overrun by stupid, brain-dead dumb fuck liberals who have their heads stuck so far up Obama’s ass that Obama needs a proctologist to get them out.
I hope all of their businesses fail, and they end up on Obama’s Welfare and Food Stamp roles.

Fuck everyone who voted to re-elect the worst president in US History!

It just goes to show that you should never underestimate the power of stupid liberals in large groups.
They are like sheep, following each other off the cliff.

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