Brain-Dead Jackasses Feinstein & Obama Take Aim at Our Gun Rights – Exempt Gov Officials

Jackasses Feinstein & Obama Take Aim at Our Gun Rights

Jackasses Feinstein & Obama Take Aim at Our Gun Rights

Dianne Dumbfuck Feinstein’s gun control bill aims to take away your gun rights, and my gun rights, and at the same time exempt government officials to allow them to keep their guns rights.

Maybe Dianne Feinstein will do us all a favor and use her gun to off herself.

Not everyone will have to abide by Senator Dianne Feinstein’s gun control bill. If the proposed legislation becomes law, government officials and others will be exempt.

“Mrs. Feinstein’s measure would exempt more than 2,200 types of hunting and sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and retired law enforcement personnel,” the Washington Times reports.

The Huffington Post confirms these exemptions, and adds that guns owned prior to the legislation becoming law will be permissble, too. “[T]he bill includes a number of exemptions: It exempts more than 2,200 hunting and sporting weapons; any gun manually operated by a bolt, pump, lever or slide action; any weapons used by government

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Crazy Bitch Dianne Feinstein & Brain Dead Democrats To Try Taking Away Legal Handguns

Crazy Bitch Dianne Feinstein & Brain Dead Democrats To Try Taking Away Legal Handguns

Crazy Bitch Dianne Feinstein & Brain Dead Democrats To Try Taking Away Legal Handguns

Complete fucking idiot dinosaur Dianne Feinstein, and the dangerous Democrats, are trying to take away your guns, including handguns, semiautomatic rifles, and shotguns. What would you expect from the Democrats, and especially from some crazy bitch from California?

We all knew this was coming after Obama and the Democrats allowed many guns to be placed in the hands of violent criminals, hoping that the guns would be used in a deadly massacre, which would open the door for them to take away more of our rights. I wouldn’t even put it past the Democrats to actually hire someone to massacre people, in order to get the same result of taking away American’s gun rights.

Now we just need some conservatives with some balls to stand up to the fucking idiots on the left. – Don’t hold your breath. because conservatives have turned into a bunch of NUTLESS PUSSIES!

Bans the sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of:

  • 120 specifically-named firearms
  • Certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that

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Sly Democrats Try Secretly Slipping Gun Control Amendments Into Cybersecurity Bill

Sly Democrats Try Secretly Slipping Gun Control Amendments Into Cybersecurity Bill

Sly Democrats Try Secretly Slipping Gun Control Amendments Into Cybersecurity Bill

Sneaky Democrat Senators like Barbara Boxer, Bob Menendez, Kirsten Gillibrand, Dianne Feinstein, and Chuck Shumer tried slipping a gun control amendment into the cybersecurity bill which “would make it illegal to transfer or possess large capacity feeding devices such as gun magazines, belts, feed stripes and drums of more than 10 rounds of ammunition with the exception of .22 caliber rim fire ammunition.”

So Democrats want you to be able to carry 10 rounds of ammunition per magazine, and anything else is illegal, and would be a crime. That is crazy and stupid! I can change a magazine in about a second, so this encroachment on the 2nd amendment will not do anything at all to stop gun violence.

Low-capacity magazines are also usually the most reliable, so changing to use two 10-round magazines, instead of using one 19-round magazine, will increase the chances that I will be able to shoot all 19 rounds without having a malfunction, and only slow me down by one second.

As we saw …

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Sen. Dianne Feinstein Backtracks On Obama Leak – Latest Dem Helping Cover-Up Obama Leaks

Speaking about the Obama administration’s national security leaks, purely for political gain, California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Monday said “I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from its ranks. I don’t know specifically where, but I think they have to begin to understand that and do something about it.”.

After making that statement, Senator Feinstein was strong-armed by the Obama administration into backtracking on her statement, and is now saying “I know for a fact the president is extremely troubled by these leaks. His administration has moved aggressively to appoint two independent U.S. attorneys. There is an investigation under way, and it is moving forward quickly.”

BULLSHIT! Now Obama has Sen. Dianne Feinstein lying to the American People, as she becomes the latest Democrat to get caught up in helping coverup the crimes of the Obama administration, which is putting Obama and the coming election above the good of the country.


“I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from its …

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Obama To Release Taliban Terrorists – Sent Back To Kill American Military

Obama To Release Taliban Terrorists - Sent Back To Kill American Military

Obama To Release Taliban Terrorists - Sent Back To Kill American Military

The weakest administration in U.S. History, the brain-dead Obama administration, has decided that they will release Taliban terrorists from Guantánamo Bay. The Obama administration, who has no clue how to keep our nation safe, will not even explain their unbelievable decision to release dangerous terrorists with the American People.

It doesn’t matter if Qatari officials say the Taliban Terrorists would not be released. Even if the Qatari officials said the terrorists would be killed, we cannot trust anything these terrorists say. We all know that, as soon as the terrorists get home, the terrorists would be hailed as heroes, and then released to kill more Americans.

Obama doesn’t care though. As long as he is able to increase the size of our government, run our economy straight into the ground, and push our country more towards Socialism, Obama is getting what he wants.

Top Obama administration officials briefed eight senior Senate leaders Tuesday on a pending deal to transfer as many as five Taliban prisoners from the U.S.

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FBI Arrests Democratic Campaign Treasurer on Suspicion of Mail Fraud

Since 1972 Kinde Durkee has worked for 5 presidential campaigns, 4 gubernatorial campaigns, numerous senate, congressional, state and local candidates, initiatives, political action committees and many non-profit associations, and now she has been accused of mail fraud by the FBI.

Much like the waistband of the accused, the Democrat Culture of Corruption continues to expand at break-neck speed.

It’s not really a shock that Kinde Durkee, (Durkee and Associates) a prominent Democratic campaign treasurer who works for lawmakers like U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Loretta Sanchezhas, been arrested by the FBI on suspicion of mail fraud.

With what we know about how corrupt the Democrats really are, it’s not at all unexpected to see more reports of crime and corruption coming from the Democrat ranks.

A prominent Democratic campaign treasurer who works for federal, state and O.C. lawmakers including U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Rep. Loretta Sanchez and state legislators Lou Correa and Jose Solorio has been arrested by the FBI on suspicion of mail fraud, The Orange County Register has learned.

U.S. Attorney’s Office spokesman Thom Mrozek confirmed Saturday

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