Now John Kerry’s State Dept. May Stonewall Congress on Benghazi Subpoena

Now John Kerry's State Dept. May Stonewall on Congressional Benghazi Subpoena

Now John Kerry’s State Dept. May Stonewall on Congressional Benghazi Subpoena

It looks like the Obama administration has gotten to John Kerry, and it seems that Kerry will inevitably be dragged by the ear into helping the Obama administration cover up their inept mishandling and outright lies surrounding the Benghazi Terrorist Attack.

We thought that John Kerry would be one of the only stand-up Democrats that would not feel the overwhelming need to coverup other Democrat’s mistakes, and actually comply with the congressional subpoena.

We certainly hope John Kerry does the right thing, and fully cooperates with the congressional investigation into the Obama administration’s inept mishandling of the Benghazi Terrorist Attack and subsequent coverup by corrupt members of this administration.


Spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters Wednesday that the State Department has not decided if it will comply with a congressional subpoena demanding documents related to the crafting of Benghazi talking points for Susan Rice.

Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a five-page letter on Tuesday explaining why he as chair of the Oversight Committee issued

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Democrat Back Door Revocation of 2nd Amendment Starts to Unravel

The Obama administration Department of Homeland Security has been purchasing huge amounts of ammunition, which is the Democrat’s new not-so secret way of attacking the 2nd amendment and enacting sneaky back-door gun control by locking up all of the available ammunition, leaving none for legal gun owners.

:: Read Obama’s Backdoor War on 2nd Amendment: Corrupt DHS Secretive About Ammo Buy-Up ::

Of course the most secret, inept, and corrupt administration in the history of our nation, the Obama administration, will deny the obvious, and say the ammo is for training, but they now have enough ammo to kill every American around 20 times, and have said that they were actually planning on buying an additional 1.6 billion rounds over the next five years — for training.

Yea Right!! What a bunch of shit!

Maybe Obama has started arming his new secret Civilian National Security Force, but I think the Democrats have just found a creative way to take away gun rights without actually having to try passing new gun laws. Democrat Slimeballs!

Officials at the Department of Homeland Security

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Obama Administration Denied Request For Extra Consulate Security Before Deadly Attack

Obama Administration Denied Request For Extra Consulate Security Before Deadly Attack - Then Obama goes Campaigning in Las Vegas like nothing ever happened

Obama Administration Denied Request For Extra Consulate Security Before Deadly Attack – Then Obama goes Campaigning in Las Vegas like nothing ever happened

New reports show that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was threatened and attacked at least 13 times before the latest incident last month that killed four Americans, including US Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and that the U.S. mission in Libya repeatedly made requests for more security in Benghazi, but the request was rejected by the Obama administration.

Instead of acting like a US President, and doing what was necessary to protect Americans, instead Obama ignored the violence and death that his policies caused, and continued campaigning and fundraising in Las Vegas like nothing ever happened.

The Obama administration needs to be held accountable for their disregard for American lives, and for the blood on their hands that are directly attributed to the administration’s failed policies.their

Two House Republicans say they have been informed by whistleblowers that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was attacked and threatened 13 times before the incident last month that killed four Americans.

Reps. Darrell

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Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama’s White House Staff in Colombia?

Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama's White House Staff in Colombia?

Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama’s White House Staff in Colombia?

Could the Secret Service be covering up for Obama’s White House staff, who may have been involved with under-age prostitutes in Columbia? Rumors flying around now are saying that this is exactly the case, and that it was not the Secret Service agents who were involved with the prostitutes, but was actually White House staff who entertained the prostitutes.

It would not shock me a bit if this coverup is true, as we have learned that the Obama administration have mastered the whitewash and coverup to hide from their failures.

Rumors are flying in Washington. Were White House staff involved with prostitutes in Colombia? In advance of the long awaited Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s Inspector General (IG)’s report on the Columbia prostitution scandal, many in DC are wondering if the Inspector General’s report might answer this question.

Fox News’ Jana Winter reported that a high-ranking Secret Service agent told Fox “we knew very early on that White House staff were involved.” Senator

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Issa To File Civil Contempt Suit Against Eric Holder Over “Fast and Furious” Cover-Up

Issa To File Civil Contempt Suit Against Eric Holder Over "Fast and Furious" Cover-Up

Issa To File Civil Contempt Suit Against Eric Holder Over “Fast and Furious” Cover-Up

Darrell Issa and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are doing everything possible to try and break through the corruption and stonewalling by “Fast & Furious” cover-up in chief, Attorney General Eric Holder. Eric Holder has the power of the government to stay above the law, and out of harms way for his obvious attempts to cover-up the details of the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal.

Due to the stonewalling and coverup by Eric Holder, Issa’s only next step is filing a civil contempt suit against Holder for his refusal to provide the documents that Congress required of him.

It is shameful and wrong that Eric Holder will not provide the documents needed to get to the bottom of the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal and even more shameful and wrong that Obama helped with the coverup by falsely claiming executive privilege over the documents on the very last day before the contempt vote, and after not claiming the privilege for during the first two …

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Secret ATF Wiretaps Show Holder Justice Department Knew About Gun-Walking Scandal

Secret ATF Wiretaps Show Holder Department Knew About Gun-Walking Scandal

Secret ATF Wiretaps Show Holder Department Knew About Gun-Walking Scandal

New revelations from a secret ATF wiretap application gives treasure trove of information regarding the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal and coverup.

The new information show how many illegal “straw purchases” had taken place, and what guns had been recovered in Mexico, as well as showing how ATF officials initially watched guns bought by the criminal purchasers, but then ended their surveillance without recovering the high powered automatic weapons that they allowed to walk.

“The application included financial details for four suspected straw purchasers showing they had purchased $373,000 worth of guns in cash but reported almost no income for the previous year”

In the midst of a fiery floor debate over contempt proceedings for Attorney General Eric Holder, House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) quietly dropped a bombshell letter into the Congressional Record.

The May 24 letter to Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), ranking member on the panel, quotes from and describes in detail a secret wiretap application that has become a point of debate in the

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Bipartisan House Votes to Hold Eric Holder in Criminal Contempt of Congress

Bipartisan House Votes to Hold Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress

Bipartisan House Votes to Hold Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress

Today, a bipartisan group of Democrats and Republicans voted to hold Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for withholding critical documents from the Fast and Furious investigation.

The contempt vote included 17 Democrats joining in with Republicans to hold Eric Holder accountable for his stonewalling and lies.

Now we need to remove Eric Holder and Barack Obama from public office!

The House on Thursday cited Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. for contempt of Congress in a historic vote weighted with political significance, though it does little to break the stalemate over his decision to withhold documents over the Justice Department’s actions in a botched gun-walking operation.

The 255-67 vote amounted to a political spanking for Mr. Holder and President Obama, and 17 Democrats joined with Republicans in demanding the documents be released. Most Democrats, however, walked out in protest of the vote.

It marks the first time an attorney general has been held in contempt by a chamber.

But the White House dismissed the proceedings as a sideshow,

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Holder Contempt of Congress Resolution Approved – Despite Obama’s False Claim of Executive Privilege

Holder Contempt of Congress Resolution Approved - Despite Obama's False Claim of Executive Privilege

Holder Contempt of Congress Resolution Approved – Despite Obama’s False Claim of Executive Privilege

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has approved the Contempt of Congress resolution against Attorney General Eric Holder, despite Obama’s false claim of executive privilege, which was hastily asserted by the corrupt Obama administration just minutes before the vote.

Democrats tried offering more stalling tactics to help stall and coverup the crimes committed by the Obama administration, Eric Holder, and the Justice Department.

A House panel voted Wednesday to place Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for his failure to comply with a subpoena, defying an assertion of executive privilege from President Obama.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, led by Republican Chairman Darrell Issa (Calif.), approved a resolution along party lines to place Holder in contempt after battling him for months over access to internal agency documents about the gun-tracking operation Fast and Furious.

The vote came shortly after Obama escalated the conflict by sending a letter to the committee claiming executive privilege over the documents that the panel had sought.

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