Navy Shooter Had Been Allowed to Keep Security Clearance Despite Previous Gun & Mental Problems

Navy Shooter Had Been Allowed to Keep Security Clearance Despite Previous Gun & Mental Problems

Navy Shooter Had Been Allowed to Keep Security Clearance Despite Previous Gun & Mental Problems

Washington Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis started to be treated in August by the Veterans Administration for his mental problems, yet the media doesn’t want you to know about his mental problems. All the media wants you to know is that he was interested in getting an AR15, which he never purchased or used.

The Sleezeball New York Daily News ran a front page headline yesterday entitled, “Same Gun Different Slay”, which showed a picture of an assault rifle, even though no assault rifle was used in the attack.

So there is no question that brain-dead liberals will try and use this sickening event as an excuse to take away more gun rights, but the real question is this: Why was Aaron Alexis, with severe mental problems, and previous gun discharging episodes, allowed to keep his security clearance that allowed him to enter the base with weapons? Especially after being treated for a case of the crazies? There was a definite pattern of behavior that …

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Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama’s White House Staff in Colombia?

Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama's White House Staff in Colombia?

Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama’s White House Staff in Colombia?

Could the Secret Service be covering up for Obama’s White House staff, who may have been involved with under-age prostitutes in Columbia? Rumors flying around now are saying that this is exactly the case, and that it was not the Secret Service agents who were involved with the prostitutes, but was actually White House staff who entertained the prostitutes.

It would not shock me a bit if this coverup is true, as we have learned that the Obama administration have mastered the whitewash and coverup to hide from their failures.

Rumors are flying in Washington. Were White House staff involved with prostitutes in Colombia? In advance of the long awaited Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s Inspector General (IG)’s report on the Columbia prostitution scandal, many in DC are wondering if the Inspector General’s report might answer this question.

Fox News’ Jana Winter reported that a high-ranking Secret Service agent told Fox “we knew very early on that White House staff were involved.” Senator

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Obama Admin Sues Navy SEAL to Cover Up Lies & Real Story of Bin Laden Killing

Obama Admin Sues Navy SEAL to Cover Up Real Story of Bin Laden Killing

Obama Admin Sues Navy SEAL to Cover Up Real Story of Bin Laden Killing

The Obama administration is considering filing a lawsuit against Matt Bissonnette, a former Navy SEAL, after releasing his new book titled “No Easy Day”, which tells the real story of the Osama biln Laden killing, and is different that the Obama administration’s official accounting of the raid.

Obama wouldn’t care about the book if it told the same lies that he and his administration have told about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The problem came when the book told the real story, which conflicted with the Obama campaign story.

The Obama administration has leaked all kinds of national security information, so maybe we should all file lawsuits against the Obama administration for their ongoing leaks that damage US national security.

The Pentagon warned on Thursday that it was considering legal action against a former U.S. Navy SEAL for material breach of non-disclosure agreements with his first-hand account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

In a letter obtained by Reuters, and subsequently released

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Obama Supported Layoff Warnings as Senator – Now Opposes Layoff Warnings as President

Obama Supported Layoff Warnings as Senator - Now Opposes Layoff Warnings as President

Obama Supported Layoff Warnings as Senator – Now Opposes Defense Contractor Layoff Warnings as President – Tries hiding impending layoff notices from being given to defense contractor employees.

Back in 2007, while campaigning for president, Obama said “The least employers can do when they’re anticipating layoffs is to let workers know they’re going to be out of a job and a paycheck with enough time to plan for their future”

Now that he is president though, Obama and the Democrat Culture of Corruption doesn’t want voters to know that many defense contractor employees will be notified that they will be losing their jobs just days before the election, so to try and minimize the damage to their campaigns, Obama and the Democrats have told employers that they don’t need to notify their employees of the massive impending layoffs.

Obama would rather that these voters be given their pink slips, and lose their jobs the day after the election, when he can start adding the out-of-work people to the unemployment and food stamp roles.

President Obama’s administration doesn’t see the need

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69% of 1,844 US Soldiers Killed in Afghan War Happened On Obama’s Watch

69% of 1,844 US Soldiers Killed in Afghan War Happened On Obama's Watch

69% of 1,844 US Soldiers Killed in Afghan War Happened On Obama's Watch

WOW!! Out of the 1,844 total U.S. military personnel have been killed in Afghanistan, 1,275 (or 69%) were killed in the 39 months since Obama took office.

So in a war that so far has lasted over 10 years, a very large majority of U.S. military fatalities have happened on Obama’s watch?

WOW! That doesn’t bode well for Obama, and the next election!! How will the ultra corrupt Obama administration lie their way out of this?

Although President Obama has only served 39 months in office, 69 percent of the U.S. military fatalities in the more than 10-year-old war in Afghanistan have occurred on his watch.

Through April 30, the Defense Department had reported that 1,844 U.S. military personnel have been killed in and around Afghanistan while deployed in Operation Enduring Freedom, which was launched in October 2001 after al Qaeda terrorists attacked the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon.

According to’s comprehensive database on Afghan war casualties, at least 1,275 of the 1,844 U.S. troops

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Obama Administration Lies, Uses Fallen U.S. Soldiers for Political Gain

The despicable Obama administration has gone against the wishes of our fallen soldiers’ families and allowed images to be taken at the ceremony when their bodies were brought back home.

When President Bush was in office, in order to try and make our president look bad, Obama and the Democrats lifted the ban on the media taking pictures of the caskets of our fallen soldiers, upon their return. The Democrats used the lifting of that ban at every opportunity to show the soldiers whose blood they claimed was on the hands of President Bush.

Now that Obama is in office though, they don’t want the American public to see all of the dead soldiers and blood on the hands of Obama, so they again impose a ban on the media to keep the huge increase of military deaths a secret.
Despite the Pentagon’s claim that any public depiction of the homecoming ceremony for our dead soldiers would go against the wishes of the soldier’s families, but Obama’s photographer was allowed to take pictures at the ceremony, and distributed an image …

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