John Kerry Thinks Getting to Bottom of Obama’s Benghazi Cover-Up Unimportant

John Kerry Says Getting to Bottom of Obama's Benghazi Cover-Up UnimportantOf course the brain-dead John Kerry thinks that we have more important things to do than to get to the bottom of an Obama administration cover-up which cost the lives of American citizens, as well as treasure and intelligence that were lost.

The Obama administration has been deep in cover-up mode for much of their time in office, including since the Benghazi terrorist attack, and subsequent denials of terrorism by Obama and his team of washers.

Democrats would rather take away your rights to keep and bear arms, and secure the right to kill as many babies as they can, but they will go to their graves denying their part in Obama’s cover-up.

REP. DANA ROHRABACHER (R-CA): Mr. Secretary, we think that there was a coverup of some kind of wrongdoing that led this administration to lie to the American people about the nature of the attack immediately after the attack and for a week after that attack. We need to have these questions answered. We need to talk to the people who are on the scene. Can you give

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Huge NY Marathon Generators Could Ease Suffering of Hurricane Disaster – Other Needed Relief Resources Being Diverted to Marathon

People are dead and suffering in the New York area, yet Bloomberg says that The Race Must Go On.

Huge NY Marathon Generators Could Ease Suffering of Sally Disaster

Huge NY Marathon Generators Could Ease Suffering of Sally Disaster

Not only is Brain dead Bloomberg allowing the NY Marathon to go on in the midst of terrible storm destruction, where many people died, and many other people’s lives are ruined, but the NY Marathon will also be selfishly using three huge diesel-powered generators to power a media tent at the marathon that could be used to help the suffering people in the area.

Actually, the marathon media tent will only be using two of the three generators, but they have the third as a back-up, just in case something happens to one of the other two.

These three huge diesel-powered generators could produce 800 kilowatts, which is enough power to supply 400 homes with the electricity needed to keep the people from freezing, or from having to eat out of dumpsters to get a meal.

These brain-dead jackasses even diverted more than a dozen NYPD flatbed trucks away from disaster-relief …

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New Secret White House Benghazi Emails May Include WH Command Cancelling Help For Fallen Heroes

New Secret White House Benghazi Emails May Include WH Command Cancelling Help For Fallen Heroes

New Secret White House Benghazi Emails May Include WH Command Cancelling Help For Fallen Heroes

New secret White House emails may be released this week which are said to include the “stand down” command, which ensured the oncoming tragedy in Benghazi would not be stopped, and that our people in Benghazi would most assuredly die.

“CIA officers in Benghazi had been told to “stand down” when they wanted to deploy from their base at the annex to repel the attack on the consulate, about a mile away.”

Obama SHOULD be held accountable in the media for his administration’s unbelievable incompetence, and huge subsequent coverup, but other than reports on FOX, the media will again tun a blind eye to Obama’s failures.

If we had this kind of obvious cover-up by the media back in 1973, Richard Nixon would have never been impeached, though it’s hard to compare the two when the Obama administration’s offenses are so much worse than Nixon’s.

On Tuesday night’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” on the Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich

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2 on 1: Martha Raddatz Teams Up With Biden Against Paul Ryan in Vice Presidential Debate

Martha Raddatz was horrible in the vice presidential debate, and she should be ashamed of her performance last night.

2 on 1: Martha Raddatz Teams Up With Biden Against Paul Ryan in Vice Presidential Debate - and Ryan STILL won.

2 on 1: Martha Raddatz Teams Up With Biden Against Paul Ryan in Vice Presidential Debate – and Ryan STILL won.

Martha Raddatz teamed up with Joe Biden and acted like she was the 3rd debater in a two man debate. She allowed Bully Biden to interrupt Paul Ryan 82 times, and interrupted herself while grilling Ryan with liberally biased questions, yet Paul Ryan beat Biden and Raddatz – on substance, telling the truth, and an honest vision for the future of our country, instead of 4 more years of Obama and Biden lining their friends and supporters pockets with another $5 Trillion of our money, and get away with it by calling it “green jobs” failures.

Martha is the hero of the liberals for taking on the third debater task, while allowing Dinosaur Joe Biden to bully and interrupt to try and stop Ryan from making his points. It didn’t work though and the disrespect is backfiring on team Obama.…

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Congress to Investigate Dismal 9/11 Libya Security After Terrorist Attack & Obama Coverup

Congress to Investigate Dismal 9/11 Libya Security After Terrorist Attack & Obama Coverup

Congress to Investigate Dismal 9/11 Libya Security After Terrorist Attack & Obama Coverup

Lt. Col. Wood, a former top US security official in Libya has received a subpoena to appear before the House Oversight Committee to testify about what he knows about the terrorist attack against our consulate in Libya, and the subsequent cover-up by the Obama administration.

We are also learning more about the other violent attacks that took place leading up to 9/11, and the many requests for extra security which were denied by Obama’s State Department. If The Obama administration was as concerned with National Security, and the lives of our people, as they are with campaigning and fundraising with rich liberals and Hollywood stars, they would have had the security personnel in place to stop he 9/11 terrorist attack.

Now Obama will use his power and resources to hide the truth, and coverup the fact that his administration allowed us to be successfully attacked again. People died, and we lost a lot of sensitive material and information looted from our Libya consulate after the attack.


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Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama’s White House Staff in Colombia?

Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama's White House Staff in Colombia?

Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama’s White House Staff in Colombia?

Could the Secret Service be covering up for Obama’s White House staff, who may have been involved with under-age prostitutes in Columbia? Rumors flying around now are saying that this is exactly the case, and that it was not the Secret Service agents who were involved with the prostitutes, but was actually White House staff who entertained the prostitutes.

It would not shock me a bit if this coverup is true, as we have learned that the Obama administration have mastered the whitewash and coverup to hide from their failures.

Rumors are flying in Washington. Were White House staff involved with prostitutes in Colombia? In advance of the long awaited Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s Inspector General (IG)’s report on the Columbia prostitution scandal, many in DC are wondering if the Inspector General’s report might answer this question.

Fox News’ Jana Winter reported that a high-ranking Secret Service agent told Fox “we knew very early on that White House staff were involved.” Senator

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Obama’s Department of Justice Used Left-Wing Media Matters to Spin Eric Holder Scandals & Lies

Obama's Department of Justice Used Left-Wing Media Matters to Spin Eric Holder Scandals & Lies

Obama’s Department of Justice Used Left-Wing Media Matters to Spin Eric Holder Scandals & Lies

Another day, another scandal in Obama’s Department of Justice, usually concerning the ultra-corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder, and this case is no different.

Newly released Department of Justice emails show that Eric Holder’s communications staff colluded with the left-wing advocacy group Media Matters for America, in an attempt to spin Eric Holder’s lies, and coverup his corruption.

How many chances do these Democrat jackasses get before the American People stand up and say ENOUGH! Get your skinny, corrupt ass out of here before we throw you out!

Internal Department of Justice emails obtained by The Daily Caller show Attorney General Eric Holder’s communications staff has collaborated with the left-wing advocacy group Media Matters for America in an attempt to quell news stories about scandals plaguing Holder and America’s top law enforcement agency.

Dozens of pages of emails between DOJ Office of Public Affairs Director Tracy Schmaler and Media Matters staffers show Schmaler, Holder’s top press defender, working with Media Matters to attack reporters covering DOJ

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Issa To File Civil Contempt Suit Against Eric Holder Over “Fast and Furious” Cover-Up

Issa To File Civil Contempt Suit Against Eric Holder Over "Fast and Furious" Cover-Up

Issa To File Civil Contempt Suit Against Eric Holder Over “Fast and Furious” Cover-Up

Darrell Issa and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are doing everything possible to try and break through the corruption and stonewalling by “Fast & Furious” cover-up in chief, Attorney General Eric Holder. Eric Holder has the power of the government to stay above the law, and out of harms way for his obvious attempts to cover-up the details of the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal.

Due to the stonewalling and coverup by Eric Holder, Issa’s only next step is filing a civil contempt suit against Holder for his refusal to provide the documents that Congress required of him.

It is shameful and wrong that Eric Holder will not provide the documents needed to get to the bottom of the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal and even more shameful and wrong that Obama helped with the coverup by falsely claiming executive privilege over the documents on the very last day before the contempt vote, and after not claiming the privilege for during the first two …

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