Benghazi-Gate: Obama’s Inept Handling of Libya Cost American Lives & National Security Secrets

The inexperienced and inept “leadership” of the Obama administration led to the loss of American lives, treasure, national security secrets and much more.

Watch Obama dance around the question “Were the Americans under attack at the Consulate in Benghazi Libya denied requests for help during that attack?”

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

The answer is a definite Yes. The Americans under attack in Benghazi DID request help, but were denied by the Obama administration, so for Obama to say that they are “finding out exactly what happened” is a bunch of bullshit. The Obama administration had a drone flying above Benghazi filming the attack for 7 hours, and reports have said that “CIA officers in Benghazi had been told to “stand down” when they wanted to deploy from their base at the annex to repel the attack on the consulate, about a mile away.”

The Benghazi-gate cover-up by the Obama administration and other corrupt liberals is being ignored by the dying …

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New Secret White House Benghazi Emails May Include WH Command Cancelling Help For Fallen Heroes

New Secret White House Benghazi Emails May Include WH Command Cancelling Help For Fallen Heroes

New Secret White House Benghazi Emails May Include WH Command Cancelling Help For Fallen Heroes

New secret White House emails may be released this week which are said to include the “stand down” command, which ensured the oncoming tragedy in Benghazi would not be stopped, and that our people in Benghazi would most assuredly die.

“CIA officers in Benghazi had been told to “stand down” when they wanted to deploy from their base at the annex to repel the attack on the consulate, about a mile away.”

Obama SHOULD be held accountable in the media for his administration’s unbelievable incompetence, and huge subsequent coverup, but other than reports on FOX, the media will again tun a blind eye to Obama’s failures.

If we had this kind of obvious cover-up by the media back in 1973, Richard Nixon would have never been impeached, though it’s hard to compare the two when the Obama administration’s offenses are so much worse than Nixon’s.

On Tuesday night’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” on the Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich

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Panetta Helps Cover-Up Obama Benghazi Failures – Critics Just “Monday Morning Quarterbacking”

Panetta Helps Cover-Up Obama Benghazi Failures - Critics Just “Monday Morning Quarterbacking”

Panetta Helps Cover-Up Obama Benghazi Failures – Critics Just “Monday Morning Quarterbacking”

Obama’s Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says that those who are critical of the Obama administration’s dismal handling of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi are just playing “Monday Morning Quarterback”, but we feel that Panetta is just another facet of Obama’s cover-up machine, which will do or say anything to cover-up the fact that Obama administration royally screwed up, and 4 people died as a result.

US National Security may be a joke and a game to Obama and his corrupt cronies, as they have done everything in their power to “bring the US down a notch” by making our military weaker, but we assure them that it is not a joke or game to the American People, especially one which calls for worn-out football analogies.

The fact is that we had advance warning that the attack was going to happen, and the Obama administration did nothing. Obama was out golfing when the attack started, and our people on the ground had request help at least …

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Obama has Skipped 52% of Presidential Daily Intelligence Briefings Since Taking Office

Obama has Skipped 52% of Presidential Daily Intelligence Briefings Since Taking Office

Obama has Skipped 52% of Presidential Daily Intelligence Briefings Since Taking Office

Obama has only made it to 43.8 percent of his Presidential Daily Briefs, where the president learns about the dangers facing our nation. As many inexperienced kids think, Obama must also feel that he already know everything.

Maybe if Obama cared enough about the security of the United States to skip a campaign event, and even for one second consider the security of Americans and others in the world, instead of the amount of money his re-election campaign has to spend on false character assassinations, we would have been able to stop the Cairo embassy attacks that killed 4 Americans, including U.S. Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens.

According to the White House calendar, there is no public record of President Barack Obama attending his daily intelligence briefing–known as the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB)–in the week leading up to the attacks on the U.S. embassy in Cairo and the murder of U.S. Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens and three American members of his staff:





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Obama Makes Military Weaker By Ending Ban On Openly Gay Soldiers

Democrats hate the military, and it seems that Obama and the Democrats are trying to start the quick decline of our nation’s military and homeland security by allowing gay soldiers to serve openly.

Soon, we will be seeing lawsuits brought by gay soldiers who were instructed not to wear their pink undershirts, neck scarfs, and earrings.

President Barack Obama has formally repealed the ban on gays serving openly in the U.S. military.

Administration officials say Obama on Friday signed a certification ending the 17-year-old “don’t ask don’t tell” policy on sexual orientation.

The president took the step, as expected, after meeting with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Adm. Mike Mullen, the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman. As laid out in a law passed in December, the repeal will take effect 60 days from now. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity ahead of a statement from the White House.

For Obama, the move makes good on a promise from his 2008 campaign to dismantle the 1990s-era policy.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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