Breastfeeding 5yr Old – Incest? Child Pornography? Nasty As Hell!!

Is breastfeeding a 5yr old normal breastfeeding, incest, or is it child pornography, as it seems to be?

Is this breastfeeding or Incest? It's nasty as hell, whatever it is!

Is this breastfeeding or Incest? It's nasty as hell, whatever it is!

We’ll leave that question up to the authorities, but one thing we do know is that, no matter what these idiots want to call it, breastfeeding a kid that old is definitely nasty as hell, and should be called child abuse, child endangerment, and incest.

I just threw up a little!!
I would bet that anyone who was caught with an image like this on their computer would be busted for having child porn, and sent to jail, but it’s OK for Time to put on the cover of their magazine? Sick F**ks!

We hope that there is someone looking into this Mom, to make sure that this kid is not being abused, which it looks like he definitely is being used and abused by his mother.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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