Larry Elder Interview – Black Lives Matter Claims of Systemic Racism Is A Made-Up Lie

WOW!! JUST WOW! EVERYONE living in the United States should watch this video of an interview with Larry Elder, where he DESTROYS the falsehood of systemic racism against black people.

What a great interview! I’d LOVE to see a debate with Larry Elder and anyone on the left who thinks they have half a brain. The liberal would be so embarrassed that they’d probably leave the debate and go kill themselves.

Larry is one of the most intelligent men I have seen speak on the topic of racism in America, and we should talk him into running for president or congress. I would vote for Mr. Elder in a second to be President of the United States, and think about how he would completely fuck up the brainless libtards.

I will for sure be buying Larry Elder’s books “The ten things you can’t say in America”, “Dear Father, Dear Son”, “What’s Race Got to Do with It?”, “Showdown”, and his new book “Stupid Black Men”, to continue learning more about his very intelligent views.

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