Criminal Mob of Blacks Commit Racist Hate Crime Against White Man in Memphis Kroger Parking Lot

Black on white crime is out of control, though completely ignored by the majority of the media.

This racist mob of 100 to 125 black criminals in Memphis attacked a 25-year-old white man and others because they were white. It was horrible to watch, but the woman taking the video was laughing that the mob of racist criminal black “Hood Rats” were starting to viciously attack, kick and stomp on the head of the white man outside the Kroger store.

The vicious black mob of criminals then even tried and kill the innocent white man by throwing very large pumpkins on the already unconscious white man’s head.

Two of the grocery store employees ran to try and help the initial man being attacked, and the black mob of violent criminals attacked the store employees as well, beating all three victims unconscious.

Most of the media only cares about white on black crime, which may happen from time to time, but black on black crime is the number one killer of black men, and the huge majority of actual hate crimes are committed by black people who are attacking, robbing and killing white people, just because they are white.

Memphis Police Department Director Toney Armstrong released a statement about the “young people” involved in the “incident”, but made no mention of the color of the criminals and victims, and Armstrong would not call it a hate crime for some reason.

“We are fully aware of the last night’s incidents. It is extremely troubling to see how many young people were involved, especially on the heels of last week’s youth forum. A lot of our citizens are working to provide safe and productive alternatives for our youth. For those that choose not to take advantage of these opportunities, we will work tirelessly to identify, locate and hold you accountable. Last night’s events clearly demonstrates a lack of parental controls and if warranted these parents will also be held accountable.”

I guess if it is white on black crime, it is automatically a race/hate crime, but a black on white crime never is considered a hate crime, when it obviously is a hate crime.. Why?

Let’s see if race hucksters Obama, Sharpton, or Jackson come out and say anything to condemn the disgusting racist hate crime, and the horrid actions of these black criminals.

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