Racist Piece of Crap Democrat Rep. Ryan Winkler Calls Justice Thomas “Uncle Thomas” After Supreme Court Ruling

A Racist & completely stupid Democrat Rep. Ryan Winkler called Supreme Court Justice Thomas “Uncle Thomas” after the Supreme Court ruling which struck down part of the outdated and obsolete Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Racist Piece of Crap Democrat Rep. Ryan Winkler Calls Justice Thomas "Uncle Thomas" After Supreme Court Ruling

Racist Piece of Crap Democrat Rep. Ryan Winkler Calls Justice Thomas “Uncle Thomas” After Supreme Court Ruling

At first the piece of shit racist Democrat Rep. Ryan Winkler said “didn’t think it was offensive to suggest that Justice Thomas should be even more concerned about racial discrimination than colleagues. But if such a suggestion is offensive, I apologize.”

Then he changed his excuse and said “I did not understand ‘Uncle Tom’ as a racist term, and there seems to be some debate about it. I do apologize for it, however,”

Yea, right! If this racist piece of shit didn’t know that calling a black person an “Uncle Tom” was racist, then he is completely fucking stupid, on top of being a racist, and should not be holding an office of power.

Also, if the piece of crap racist didn’t know that calling someone an “Uncle …

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Obama 2009: “Absolutely Objects” Obamacare Is Tax — Supremes 2012: “It’s a TAX”

Obama has a big “Read My Lips.. No New Taxes” problem now. The same problem that President Bush had after he made the same mistake, and told the same lie, and it cost Bush the White House – as it will for Obama as well.

Obamacare Tax Repeal Starts on November 6th when we vote Mitt Romney into office.

Click here to donate to Mitt Romney!

Obama “Absolutely Objects” to Obamacare Being Called a Tax

Watch Obama lie through his teeth in order to try and gain support for Obama’s new tax – The largest tax increase in world history – Thanks Obama! It’s going to cost you a LOT of votes, and it’s already adding millions of dollars to Mitt Romney’s war chest.

Hatch Floor Remarks Regarding ObamaCare

Watch the full floor speech given by Senator Orrin Hatch regarding ObamaCare and the recent Florida court ruling that struck down the law as being unconstitutional.

Repeal Obamacare Now! — Or Start Looking For New Employment!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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GOP Governors Vow to Ignore Supreme Court Obamacare Ruling

Republicans are not giving up the fight to repeal Obamacare, and the Supreme Court ruling only adds resolve to a huge group of pissed off people.


GOP Governors have said that they plan to ignore the Obamacare ruling, and not make any changes in regards to the ruling until after the election in November, when we WILL remove Obama and his cronies from office, and throw their asses out in the street.

The new repeal plan starts by getting everyone you know out to the polls to vote Obama out, and vote in Mitt Romney. Once Mitt is in office we will have a fast track to removing this unconstitutional law.

Republican governors are planning to ignore the Supreme Court’s decision Thursday to uphold Obamacare hoping that the issue will drive voters to dump President Obama in favor of Mitt Romney who has vowed to kill the Affordable Care Act.

After the decision, the Republican Governors Association said that nothing should be done by the states until after the election, a

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