Stupid Lying Liberal Tramp Lena Dunham Says She Won’t Press Charges for Non-Existent Rape

Lena Dunham – the stupid lying liberal piece of shit druggie whore, who says she fucked “Barry” while high on Alcohol, Cocaine, and who knows what else, now says that she will not press charges against “Barry” for rape.

Stupid Lying Liberal Tramp Lena Dunham Says She Won't Press Charges for Non-Existent Rape

Stupid Lying Liberal Tramp Lena Dunham Says She Won’t Press Charges for Non-Existent Rape

It’s probably a good thing that the piece of shit liar isn’t going to press charges for a rape that most likely never happened.

Dunham made up the story because she thought the media would eat it up, and make her more famous.

It did make her more well known – as a stinky whore who gets all coked up and then fucks guys she doesn’t know – only to claim rape afterwards..

Even though disgusting Lena Dunham is so fat and nasty that she has to be a lesbian, I say “Good Luck” to any guy stupid enough, and hard up enough that they touch that nasty skank. You too could easily be the target of Dunham’s lies and could even be accused of rape, when …

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