Earth Warmed Only 0.11 F Degrees in Last 15 Years – Yet Brainless Obama Declares War on Coal & Jobs

Earth Warmed Only 0.11 F Degrees in Last 15 Years - Yet Brainless Obama Declares War on Coal & Jobs

Earth Warmed Only 0.11 F Degrees in Last 15 Years – Yet Brainless Obama Declares War on Coal & Jobs

New Obama regulations on the Coal Industry is just a continuation of ‘Obama’s War on America’.

Obama is an out-of-touch anti-American, who’s life-long wish is to take our country down a few pegs, and revert our economy back to that of a 3rd world nation that can more easily be plucked from the path of Capitalism.

With China and India building a new coal plant every week, the Obama attack on America will not do anything to help control emissions. Nothing at all – and Obama’s feeble push to make China, India, and other countries attack their own countries the way that Obama is attacking America will NEVER happen. Not in a million years.

Obama says that 97% of scientists agree that global warming is a problem, but no matter how many fake ‘Global Warming’ numbers the Obama administration puts out to their cronies in the media, the fact is that “Global Warming” is a complete lie. All of the …

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