Crooked Lying’ Hillary Clinton Reads From Pre-Arranged Scripts During Sham Phone “Interviews” With Corrupt Libtard Media

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes claims that his interview with Hillary Clinton was pre-taped, yet the latest Wikileaks dump shows that Hillary Clinton ALREADY KNEW THE QUESTIONS Chris Hayes was going to ask her, and already had her answers written out before the so-called “interview”, which is actually more like a commercial than an interview.

This is pretty sad but expected from the Clinton media arm at MSNBC. Honestly, we wouldn’t expect any less from the corrupt Clinton shills at MSNBC, who are in Crooked Lyin’ Hillary Clinton’s pants suit pocket.

Wow. How fake is Hillary Clinton? How much does the media collude toward that fakery? Well, consider this example. The latest WikiLeaks release shows an email chain of approvals for Hillary Clinton talking about her tax proposal. Specifically the emails show a script constructed by, and approved by, no less than ten campaign staff.

[…] HRC is going to call into Chris Hayes’ show this afternoon to do her tax hit. How does this look to you guys? (link to email chain)

Later MSNBC’s Chris Hayes claims he’s pre-taped an interview with Secretary Clinton via phone. However, his question was part of the script the specific answer was written for. The Clinton team knew the question in advance because they wrote it.

“I got a chance to speak earlier with Secretary Clinton who joined me by phone from Iowa. We discussed everything from the electability question to what Bernie Sanders said about her campaign. But I started by asking about her proposed tax hikes for the highest earners.”

Yeah, sure you did Chris.

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