Violent Mob of Black Girls Viciously Beat, Kick, Stomp 15 Year Old Black Girl In Brooklyn McDonalds

A group of black kids watched and cheered on a small mob of black girls who ganged up on a 15 year old, beating her until she fell to the ground, where the mob proceeded to kick and stomp on the teenager’s head.

This mob of violent female black criminals didn’t care if the young girl they were assaulting lived or died. In fact, I would say that, with the kicks and stomps to the head, the mob of criminals actually wanted her to die.

“Black Lives Matter” is the new saying from Blacks, but I guess that only applies when White people are involved, because Black Lives certainly didn’t matter on this day.

It’s pretty impressive that the one teenager was fighting 4-5 cowards, and wasn’t doing that bad, until she was taken to the ground.

Maybe, if the Black community would do something about the vicious uncontrolled violence that permeates just about every part of their own community, then we would listen to their “Black Lives Matter” arguments.

Cell phone video shows a 15-year-old girl being beaten to

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