Michael Brown‘s Stepfather Louis Head Needs To Be Arrested For Inciting Violence After Shouting “Burn This Bitch Down” To Crowd

Arrest Louis Head! Michael Brown‘s stepfather, Louis Head, should be arrested, charged with inciting the violence and arson that occurred in Ferguson, and possibly do some jail-time.

Mr. Head caused the burning of 12-15 buildings and businesses and many cars by yelling “Burn this bitch down!”, “Burn this fucking bitch down!” over and over to the crowd, after the Grand Jury decision announcement was made public.

The jackass even wanted a microphone to be able to yell to more people that he wanted them to burn the city of Ferguson to the ground.

Louis Head got his wish, and Ferguson was torched as he asked, and now Mr. Head needs to pay for the damage he has done to the city and the state of Missouri.

According to state records, Mr. Head is an ex-convict whose rap sheet includes two felony narcotics convictions.
Arrest Louis Head and send him back to prison.

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