NBC Finally Reports on “Fast & Furious” Scandal – Blame Republicans – Omitts Terry Murder

NBC Finally Reports on "Fast & Furious" Scandal - Blame Republicans - Omitts Terry Murder

NBC Finally Reports on "Fast & Furious" Scandal - Blame Republicans - Omitts Terry Murder

Thanks to the Contempt of Congress charges being readied for Eric Holder, the worst “news” channel on TV – NBC, who has been ‘in the tank’ for the Obama campaign since before he took office, has been forced to report on the “Fast & Furious” gun running scandal and coverup for the first time since the huge story broke over a year ago.

It’s unbelievable that a national “news organization” like NBC would completely ignore the huge scandal and subsequent coverup attempts by the Justice Department, even if they are a far-far left organization who usually never report negative Obama stories.

Big Gulps might be on the way out in New York, but not at 30 Rock, the home of NBC News. There, the big gulp happened last night as network newsies were forced to swallow their pride and report on the deadly “Fast and Furious” scandal as Attorney General Eric Holder testified on Capitol Hill.

This was the first time the network had covered

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Republicans Agree to Negotiations With DOJ – May Prevent Eric Holder Contempt of Congress

Republicans Agree to Negotiations With DOJ - May Prevent Eric Holder Contempt of Congress

Republicans Agree to Negotiations With DOJ - May Prevent Eric Holder Contempt of Congress

Republicans have agreed, in theory, to negotiations with attorney general Eric Holder, if Eric Holder and Obama’s Justice Department hands over the 80,000 “Fast & Furious Gun Running Scandal & Coverup” documents that they are required to give to Congress and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Until this point, Eric Holder has ignored the subpoena which demanded that the documents be produced, and has thumbed his nose at Congress, and has acted as though he is above the law and untouchable. (This is par for the course when Democrats are involved)

We assure him that this is not the case though. One way or another, Eric Holder definitely will be held accountable, as we will put pressure on all members of Congress to hold Eric Holder in contempt, should he not ‘cough up’ ALL of the requested and required documents.

The bottom line for Eric Holder: America demands that Eric Holder produce ALL required documents, or face contempt of Congress charges!

Top Republican lawmakers

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Holder’s Fake Leak Investigation Not Good Enough – Independent Special Prosecutor Needed!

Holder's Fake Leak Investigation Not Good Enough - Independent Special Prosecutor Needed!

Holder's Fake Leak Investigation Not Good Enough - Independent Special Prosecutor Needed!

Does Eric Holder really believe that hiring their own inside people to investigate very serious leaks of classified security information by his friends in the Obama administration is good enough? Leaks that our intelligence people say is the “worst breach they’ve ever seen”.

Mr Holder said that he has every confidence that the people he appointed will “doggedly follow the facts and the evidence in pursuit of justice wherever it leads”, but we do not feel that this is the case, and have absolutely no confidence in Eric Holder, or anyone working for him to do the right thing.

The investigators appointed by Eric Holder are not intended to get to the bottom of the leaks by the Obama administration, and are only intended to “diffuse the situation and create ambiguity”. Eric Holder is an obstructionist who would never have his investigators go after the people in the Obama administration who have been leaking important classified security information to the media. (leaks that were designed to make Obama …

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Eric Holder & Obama’s Corrupt Justice Department Fights To Allow More Voter Fraud

Eric Holder & Obama's Corrupt Justice Department Fights To Allow More Voter Fraud

Eric Holder & Obama's Corrupt Justice Department Fights To Allow More Voter Fraud

Now Obama is actually fighting to keep illegal voters on the voter rolls, to help him in 2012! Scumbags!

Eric Holder, Obama’s ultra-corrupt Justice Department, and members of the Democrat Culture of Corruption are actively fighting to keep illegal immigrants, and others not allowed to vote, on the voting roles for the next election, and are frantically trying to keep conservatives from removing the non-citizen voters from the voter rolls.

Obama knows that he is in BIG trouble in the next election, and the Democrats are panicking and realize that they will need to cheat more than usual in order to try and stay in power, and they have every intention of trying to get as many illegal votes as they can to help them cheat the voting system once again.

The Justice Department ordered Florida’s elections division to halt a systematic effort to find and purge the state’s voter rolls of non-citizen voters.

Florida’s effort appears to violate both the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which protects

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Unhinged Obama Out For Revenge – Plans To Sue Sheriff Arpaio & Department For Doing Job Obama Won’t Do

Bully Obama administration plans to sue Arizona sheriff for doing the Federal Government's job, which "Open Borders" Obama will not do.

Bully Obama administration plans to sue Arizona sheriff for doing the Federal Government's job, which "Open Borders" Obama will not do.

Now the bully Obama administration is out for payback against Arizona county sheriff Joe Arpaio, and are preparing to sue sheriff Arpaio and his department for allegedly violating civil rights laws, by improperly targeting Latinos, while doing the important job that Obama and the Democrat Culture of Corruption will not do, which is cracking down on the unbelievably high numbers of undocumented illegal immigrants living and working in our country.

“To the Obama administration, who is attempting to strong arm me into submission only for its political gain, I say: This will not happen, not on my watch” – Joe Arpaio

YOU GO JOE!! Don’t take crap from the brain-dead bully Obama administration! After the next election, most of the liberals in our government will be gone anyway, and you will have a more friendly ally in Congress and the White House, instead of a Democrat party and administration who has done everything they possibly can to keep our …

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Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup – Lies – Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup - Lies - Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup - Lies - Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

It’s almost funny that jack-ass Eric Holder keeps denying knowledge of the Fast & Furious gun-running scheme, when anyone who has been paying attention can see, full-well, that Eric Holder and the DOJ have been lying through their teeth to try and coverup their ineptness, save themselves the embarrassment, and keep their jobs. It would definitely be funny if the guns that Eric Holder let walk were not used to kill U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December of 2010.

How can a U.S. Attorney General, who received multiple memos telling him about problems with the Justice Department’s gun running scheme, then turn around and say that he was not aware of the gunwalking scheme, or the problems associated with the DOJ gunwalking scheme? If Eric Holder was not aware of the Fast & Furious gun-running scheme, or the problems associated with the gun-running scheme, that is HIS OWN FAULT, and we think that Eric Holder actually didn’t WANT to know about the dangers …

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Democrat Voter Fraud Runs Rampant in South Carolina

Voter Fraud Runs Rampant in South Carolina

Voter Fraud Runs Rampant in South Carolina

South Carolina’s Department of Motor Vehicles reported that over 900 dead people have voted in the South Carolina, and also included in the report was that more than 91,000 people who live in other states also voted in the primary.

When will the American People stand up to the Democrat Culture of Corruption, who engage in voter fraud during every election cycle?

The director of South Carolina’s Department of Motor Vehicles has told the State Law Enforcement Division that more than 900 people who were recorded as having voted were actually dead.

DMV Director Kevin Shwedo told legislators about the issue Wednesday as the U.S. Justice Department questions a new state law requiring people to show photographic identification when they vote in person.

In response, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson asked SLED to review the evidence.

“Director Shwedo’s research has revealed evidence that over nine hundred deceased people appear to have ‘voted’ in recent elections in South Carolina,” said Wilson in a statement. “This is an alarming number, and clearly necessitates an

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Obama Tries Keeping White House Visitor Logs Secret & Off-Limits

So much for the Obama administration being an open and transparent administration, as they claimed rthey would be in order to be elected.

Once elected though, the Obama administration has turned out to be the most corrupt, closed, and secretive administration in the history of our nation.

What is the Obama administration hiding?

What new scandals, crony capitalism, corruption, fraud, or radical terrorist friends would we learn about from looking onto who has been visiting Obama?

The Obama administration is appealing a judge’s ruling that Secret Service records of visitors to the White House complex are subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Justice Department filed a formal notice of appeal Friday afternoon regarding U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell’s August ruling rejecting arguments that the so-called WAVES records belong to the White House even though they are maintained and used by the Secret Service.

The decision to appeal the ruling to the D.C. Circuit would appear to be in tension with Obama’s repeated pledges to operate the most transparent administration in history. The White House announced

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