ANY Republican Pussy Who Votes to Confirm Loretta Lynch Better Start Looking For New Jobs!

Sen. Bob Corker sounds like he may be one of the pussy fake Republicans who plan on confirming Loretta Lynch, but we have news for any Republican stupid and weak enough to vote with the liberals.

Fake Conservatives McCain, Hatch, Collins, Portman Again Vote With Democrat to Pass Budget - Even After Learning About Ryan Lies

Fake Conservatives McCain, Hatch, Collins, Portman Again Vote With Democrat to Pass Budget – Even After Learning About Ryan Lies

Any so-called Republican who votes with the Democrats to confirm Obama’s nominee for attorney general, Loretta Lynch, are an enemy of the Republican Party, and we will work with many others to destroy them in any legal and non-volent way possible!

We, the good conservatives, will no longer stand for weak ass Republican pussies, who call themselves conservative, but vote like liberals.

John McCain, Paul Ryan, Orrin Hatch, Saxby Chambliss, Johnny Isakson, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Ron Johnson, John Hoeven, and Rob Portman, this means you!

Vote for Loretta Lynch, and we will tirelessly work for free to destroy all of you in the next election! Plain and simple.

President Obama’s nominee for attorney general Loretta Lynch is likely to receive a vote in

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Nutless Republicans Cower To Obama – Fighting Against Cruz-Lee-Paul Effort to Defund Obamacare

Nutless Republicans Cower To Obama - Fighting Against Cruz-Lee-Paul Effort to Defund Obamacare

Nutless Republicans Cower To Obama – Fighting Against Cruz-Lee-Paul Effort to Defund Obamacare

Senator Ted Cruz is a total stud! Senator Cruz has been speaking for most of the last 19 hours straight to try and gain support with Joe Public, and jackasses in his own party to try and defund Obamacare.

Why are most of the nutless Republicans, especially John “Nutless” McCain, turning their back on the effort to defund Obamacare, especially when it could easily be done if everyone was on-board?

These fake Republicans want to be able to vote to fund Obamacare, while being able to tell their constituents that they supported defunding Obamacare. It’s a complete sham and these fake conservatives need to be targeted for replacement in the next election by more conservative candidates.

Republicans who don’t have the balls to stand up to Obama need to grow a pair, and take notice of the real conservatives who are working hard to defund Obamacare, like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and James Inhofe, while the many fake conservatives, like John McCain, try and …

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Worthless Fake-Conservative Loser John McCain Has Attention Span of 2nd Grader – Plays Poker on Phone While in Hearing

Worthless Fake-Conservative Loser John McCain Has Attention Span of 2nd Grader - Plays Poker on Phone While in Hearing

Worthless Fake-Conservative Loser John McCain Has Attention Span of 2nd Grader – Plays Poker on Phone While in Hearing

Jackass loser John McCain was caught red handed playing a poker game on his phone during a U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing, instead of paying attention.

McCain must have the attention span of a 2nd grader if he can’t pay attention for 3 hours without having to tune out and waste his time and our money on a poker game.

Why was John McCain even there? This worthless fake-conservative dinosaur loser should be put out to pasture!

Even after getting caught wasting our time and money playing poker on his phone instead of paying attention in the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing, loser jackass John McCain makes light of the situation. saying “Scandal! Caught playing iPhone game at 3+ hour Senate hearing – worst of all I lost!” Thank GOD McCain lost! He would be almost as bad as Obama, with a shorter attention span.

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Brainless Pussy John McCain Equates Terrorists Shouting ‘Allahu Akhbar!’ to Christians Saying ‘Thank God’

John McCain has to be one of the dumbest and weakest pussies ever! McCain feels that a terrorist yelling ‘Allahu Akhbar!’ as terrorist rockets fell on innocent people is the same as a Christian saying ‘Thank God’.

The difference, Mr McCain, you no nuts pussy, is that Christians don’t say ‘Thank God’ because innocent people are being blown up, when the terrorists definitely are chanting ‘Allahu Akhbar!’ because a terrorist attack was taking place, and innocent people were being hurt of killed. McCain, and other fake conservatives like him, are just too fucking weak and stupid to know the difference.

Conservatives need to push back and rid themselves of the fake and Jnutless Conservative dumb-fuck John McCain as quickly as possible! Vote this piece of shit out of office in the next election, and replace Pussy McCain with someone who still has balls enough to do the job McCain can’t or won’t.

On Tuesday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) suggested that Fox News host Brian Kilmeade was Islamaphobic because he said that Syrian opposition groups shouting “Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar!” as

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14 Republican Senators Sign Own Walking Papers With Vote For Amnesty Bill – Tea Party Challenger Hunt Underway

14 Republican Senators Sign Own Walking Papers With Vote For Amnesty Bill - Tea Party Challenger Hunt UnderwayHere are the names of the 14 Republican pussies in the Senate who caved to the Democrat’s and voted for the ‘Gang of 8’ pork-filled Amnesty bill.

Looking over this list – there is not one strong Conservative in the bunch. All of these fake conservatives have sold-out the American People for a few non-existent votes.

  • Lamar Alexander
  • Kelly Ayotte
  • Jeffrey Chiesa
  • Susan Collins
  • Bob Corker
  • Jeff Flake
  • Lindsey Graham
  • Orrin Hatch
  • Dean Heller
  • John Hoeven
  • Mark Kirk
  • John McCain
  • Lisa Murkowski
  • Marco Rubio

Hope it was worth it!

Each of these nutless turds will surely be targeted by Tea Party Patriots in the next election, and many of them will end up losing their cushy jobs due to their brainless vote for the surprise-filled ‘Gang of 8’ Amnesty bill, which will hopefully die in the House of Representatives anyway.

It’s time for John McCain, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Orrin Hatch, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, John Hoeven, Lisa Murkowskim, Mark Kirk, Dean Heller, Lamar Alexander, Kelly Ayotte and Jeffrey Chiesa to go! Tea Party Patriots should make sure

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US Citizens Will Face Tougher Punishment for Same Crime as Illegal Immigrants Under Gang of 8 Amnesty Bill

US Citizens Will Face Tougher Punishment for Same Crimes as Illegal Immigrants Under Gang of 8 Amnesty Bill

US Citizens Will Face Tougher Punishment for Same Crimes as Illegal Immigrants Under Gang of 8 Amnesty Bill

Under the new Gang of 8 immigration bill, which must die in the House, Illegal immigrants would be punished less than American citizens for committing the same crime.

This is unbelievable!

  • For misdemeanor offenses, like driving under the influence, assault, battery, and crimes of domestic violence, US Citizens face up to 1 year in jail for each offense, while illegal immigrants who commit the same crime would be eligible for the crime to be waived.
  • For using a false Social Security Number, US Citizens face a felony and up to 5 years in jail, while the same crime committed by illegal immigrants would be eligible to be waived.
  • For Willfull failure to pay taxes, an American citizen would face 1 year in prison and $25,000 file, while illegal immigrants who don’t pay their taxes would have their crime waived.

And there is much-much more!

According to Sen. John McCain, a member of the Senate’s Gang of Eight, criminals will not be legalized

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Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

Brainless "Gang of 8" May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

The Congressional Budget Office is a complete JOKE, and should be done away with!!

What is the point of having a Congressional Budget Office, which is always touted as non-partisan, when the CBO only crunches the numbers they are given?
What usually happens, and we have seen time and time again from the Obama administration, is that the party trying to ram through some bill gives the Congressional Budget Office phony numbers to crunch, so when the crunching is complete, the party gets the results they think will help make their case.

If you put phony numbers in, you will get phony results back out. It’s that simple – and the gaggle of corrupt politicians in Washington know how to work the system to get what they want.

Take, for example, the latest immigration fight, where Republicans have completely caved into the pressure the Democrats put on them, and are ready to hand the Democrats what they want. Amnesty for over 20 million illegal …

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Does Apple Use Shady Tax Gimmicks & Loopholes to Avoid Paying Fair Share of Taxes?

rotten-at-the-coreA new report by Senate investigators accuses Apple of taking advantage of tax gimmicks and loopholes that help the company avoid paying their fair share of US taxes.

The report says that Apple pays ‘little or no corporate tax in any country’.

Companies, no matter who they are or how big they are, should be forced to pay the true amount of taxes they owe, and not be able to use all kinds of loopholes to stash money overseas.

Senate investigators accuse Apple of wiring together a complicated system to shield billions of dollars in international profits from both U.S. and foreign tax collectors.

A report released ahead of Apple CEO Tim Cook’s inaugural Capitol Hill appearance Tuesday alleges the tech giant took advantage of numerous U.S. tax loopholes and avoided U.S. taxes on $44 billion in offshore, taxable income between 2009 and 2012 — a characterization Apple flatly rejects.

The bipartisan Senate probe also charges for the first time that Apple’s long established foreign entities, based in Ireland, don’t actually have tax-resident status there or anywhere else. The company

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