Obama Corrupt “Justice Dept”: Knockout is OK Against Whites But Becomes Hate Crime When Blacks Are Hit

So lets get this straight. We have seen 10-20 videos of white people getting cold-cocked by a black person, and nothing happens, but as soon as a black person is hit, instead of the black person being the aggressor, as is usually the case, it then becomes a hate crime?

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

White people have been getting brutally attacked by black people for a long time, and now that the black people’s sick “knockout game” has been turned around and played against the jackasses who made up the game, now it is a hate crime.


If it is a hate crime when a white man punches a black man in the face for no reason, then it is definitely a hate crime when a black man punches a white man in the face for no reason. Period.

The only reason why it is now considered a hate crime is because of the corrupt racist thug criminal Eric …

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Out-of-Control Black on White Hate Crimes Now Only Considered “Ethnic Intimidation” – White on Black Crime Still Labeled “Hate Crimes”

Out-of-Control Black on White Hate Crimes Now Only Considered "Ethnic Intimidation" - White on Black Crime Still Labeled "Hate Crimes"

Out-of-Control Black on White Hate Crimes Now Only Considered “Ethnic Intimidation” – White on Black Crime Still Labeled “Hate Crimes”

What the fuck is “ethnic intimidation”, and why are all of these Black on White Hate Crimes being labeled as such?

If a white person attacked a black person for any reason, it would most assuredly be labeled a “Hate Crime, but when black people attack a white person, while yelling racially insults, that is called “ethnic intimidation”?

That is complete bullshit! These racist black people attack white people all teh time! Everyday we read another story of a Black on White hate crime where the Black thug criminals don’t get charged with a hate crime, but if it were the other way around, (which almost never happens) we would have Obama and Eric Holder pushing for a DOJ Probe into hate crimes. We would also have all of the race hucksters, like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, stirring up racial tensions, only to put money in their own pockets.

I’m so sick of this one-sided racial bullshit, and is …

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Gun-Running, Liberal Racist, Eric Holder Won’t Charge Black People With Crimes!

Gun-Running, Liberal Racist, Eric Holder Won't Charge Black People With Crimes!

Gun-Running, Liberal Racist, Eric Holder Won't Charge Black People With Crimes!

Is the brain-dead king of illegal gun running, Eric Holder, also a Racist?
Does Eric Holder determine who will be charged with a crime, and who won’t be charged with a crime, by the color of the person’s skin?
Can a black person get away with crimes that any white person would be vilified by the Obama administration for?

USBACKLASH feels that the answer to both of these questions is an astounding “YES!!” that Eric Holder is a corrupt racist who only charges white people with crimes, no matter the severity of the crime committed by blacks.

What other reason is there why Eric Holder has not acted to protect George Zimmerman from the New Black Panthers calls for his capture or killing, or other hate crimes perpetrated by Blacks in the New Black Panthers?

What other reason was there for Eric Holder to not charge the New Black Panther members who deliberately engaged in Voter Intimidation?

The reason is because Eric Holder is one of the most corrupt,

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