Brain-Dead Debbie Wasserman Schultz Says Spending Cuts Making Staffers Go Hungry

The perm solution Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz slathers her head in must have seeped into Wasserman Schultz’s brain because she is saying that the Automatic federal spending cuts are causing her staffers to go hungry.

Wasserman Schultz even laughingly said, “We have to come together and promote initiatives that improve the quality of life in the House of Representatives.”

What a stupid f’ing liberal dumb ass! Get a clue you perm-headded skank!!

Automatic federal cuts are bringing staffers to the brink of starvation, suggested Debbie Wasserman Schultz, at a recent House Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee hearing.

Restaurants on the House side of Congress are increasing in cost so much that aides are being “priced out” of a good meal, she said, as Fox News reported. The comments came by way of a discussion about the impacts of the sequester on lawmakers’ office budgets. Rep. Jim Moran said he may be forced to lay off a staffer — and then Ms. Wasserman Schultz weighed in with her tale of hard times.

Just to clarify: An 8-ounce bowl of Ham and Bean

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Florida Atlantic University Threatens Student For Not Stomping on Jesus – Parents Beware

Socialist-Deandre-J-Poole-Chavez-fauIf you are a christian family, don’t let your kids go to Florida Atlantic University, or they will end up with an anti-christian, Jesus-bashing liberal trash like instructor Deandre J. Poole.

This liberal piece of crap, Deandre J. Poole, who is also the vice chair of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party, actually made the impressionable kids in his class write “Jesus” on a piece of paper, and then place the sheet of paper on the ground and stomp on Jesus’ name.

Ryan Rotela, a student in Poole’s class objected to the “exercise” and as a result the university brought a “Notice of Charges” against Rotela, accusing him of “violation of the student code of conduct, acts of verbal, written or physical abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion or other conduct which threaten the health, safety or welfare of any person.”

Once the story started getting out though, Florida Atlantic University administrators changed their stories, and said “We can confirm that no student has been expelled, suspended or disciplined by the university as a result of any activity that took place …

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Obama Administration Threatening & Intimidating Journalists Over Unflattering Reports

Obama Administration Threatening & Intimidating Journalists Over Unflattering Reports

Obama Administration Threatening & Intimidating Journalists Over Unflattering Reports

Forget Rahm Emanuel… Obama is the real Godfather, or so he thinks..

Credible accusations by Bob Woodward and Lanny Davis show that the Obama administration has been trying to intimidate any journalists who report unflattering details about Obama.

Obviously the Obama administration’s threats and intimidation aren’t working, because the journalists that Obama tried to scare are talking publicly about the shady tactics used against them.

The White House is denying reports an adviser threatened famed Watergate journalist Bob Woodward after the Washington Post reporter challenged President Obama’s version of events on the looming sequester.

Woodward claimed Wednesday night that a White House aide sent him an email saying he would “regret” his comments. The aide was not identified, but an official familiar with the exchange told Fox News it was National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling. That was after Woodward wrote a column this past weekend claiming Obama was trying to re-write history — regarding not only whose idea the sequester was, but also how it would take effect.

Woodward wrote

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PEW Report: MSNBC Far ‘More Partisan’ and Biased Than FOX News

Pew Report: MSNBC Far 'More Partisan' and Biased than FOX News

Pew Report: MSNBC Far ‘More Partisan’ and Biased than FOX News

A new report by PEW shows that MSNBC is much more partisan and biased than FOX News.
We could have told you this years ago, but now PEW has confirmed it.

Out of all of the stories that MSNBC did on Mitt Romney, only 3 were positive, and 71 of their 74 stories were negative.

In writing about the Pew study released today, I was struck by the big story of how negative coverage on several levels of presidential politics had become.

I think this is big trouble for democracy, especially the hostile level of discourse in social media. And that it’s something the media need to address collectively after the election.

But here’s one of several fascinating smaller findings of the study that are kind of stunning — even if they seem obvious and ho-hum to some of my more jaded, postmodern, aren’t-we-cleverly-ironic colleagues:

ON MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP candidate Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.

That’s not a news channel. That’s

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Obama Admin Knew ‘From Day One’ Terrorism Responsible for Attacks – Lied to American People for Weeks in Cover-Up

Obama Admin Knew 'From Day One' Terrorism Responsible for Attacks - Lied to American People for Weeks in Cover-Up

Obama Admin Knew ‘From Day One’ Terrorism Responsible for Attacks – Lied to American People for Weeks in Cover-Up

Two senior U.S. officials have spilled the beans that the Obama administration actually did know ‘from day one’ that terrorists were responsible for the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya, yet the Obama administration lied to American People for weeks in an attempt to cover-up for their inexcusable national security failures.

Instead of telling the truth, as the Obama administration does on a regular basis, they cover-up the truth with the whitewashing help of their corrupt media arm friends at MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS.

Obama was so detached and cold about the terrorist attack that instead of acting like a President who is responsible for the safety of our nation, Obama instead left for Las Vegas to do more campaigning and fundraising, while allowing our people to be attacked and killed on American Soil.

U.S. intelligence officials knew within 24 hours of the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Libya that it was a terrorist attack and suspected

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Obama Lies About Libya – White House Cover-Up Aimed to Keep You From Knowing What REALLY Happened

Obama Lies About Libya - White House Cover-Up Aimed to Keep You From Knowing What REALLY Happened

Obama Lies About Libya – White House Cover-Up Aimed to Keep You From Knowing What REALLY Happened

The Obama Administration is desperate to hide he details of what really happened in Libya, when the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was attacked by terrorists using heavy weapons including automatic assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades. They are so desperate that they have tried their best to cover-up the details of what happened, what they knew about the attack, and when they knew it.

Obama doesn’t want you to know that they were warned 3 days ahead of time about the impending attack, yet the Obama administration did nothing, and they warned nobody of the danger they were made aware of. Obama actually went to bed instead of sending out a warning.

Obama doesn’t want you to know how bad they bungled the aftermath of the terrorist attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens – How they left sensitive information insecure and open to fall into the hands of the enemy; some of which, like Ambassador Christopher Stevens’ personal journal that CNN had to rescue …

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Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama’s White House Staff in Colombia?

Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama's White House Staff in Colombia?

Is the Secret Service Covering for Use of Children Prostitutes by Obama’s White House Staff in Colombia?

Could the Secret Service be covering up for Obama’s White House staff, who may have been involved with under-age prostitutes in Columbia? Rumors flying around now are saying that this is exactly the case, and that it was not the Secret Service agents who were involved with the prostitutes, but was actually White House staff who entertained the prostitutes.

It would not shock me a bit if this coverup is true, as we have learned that the Obama administration have mastered the whitewash and coverup to hide from their failures.

Rumors are flying in Washington. Were White House staff involved with prostitutes in Colombia? In advance of the long awaited Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s Inspector General (IG)’s report on the Columbia prostitution scandal, many in DC are wondering if the Inspector General’s report might answer this question.

Fox News’ Jana Winter reported that a high-ranking Secret Service agent told Fox “we knew very early on that White House staff were involved.” Senator

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Pathological Liar Debbie Wasserman Schultz Doubles Down On Lies

Chair of the Democratic National Committee, and Obama’s Designated Liar, Deborah “Debbie” Wasserman Schultz has doubled down on her lies, and will not offer an apology after being caught in a lie when she she said Washington Examiner reporter Philip Klein “deliberately misquoted” her, even though there is audio of the liar Debbie Wasserman Schultz making the exact statement she denies making.

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) told the Washington Free Beacon Wednesday evening that she will not be apologizing to Washington Examiner reporter Philip Klein after she falsely accused him of “deliberately misquoting” her.

“No, I definitely will not” offer Klein an apology, Wasserman Schultz said with a slight laugh as she was exiting an event meant to honor Center For American Freedom founder John Podesta.

Asked if she had a message for Klein, Wasserman Schultz bristled.

“I don’t,” she said.

Debbie also says there was no problem on the floor of the Democrat …

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