Centerplate CEO Desmond “Dog Abuser” Hague Caught on Video Repeatedly Kicking Puppy & Lifting Dog Off Floor With Leash

We are calling of a boycott of Centerplate catering at all stadiums until animal abuser Desmond Hague is fired.

Centerplate CEO Desmond “Dog Abuser” Hague Caught on Video Repeatedly Kicking Puppy & Lifting Dog Off Floor With Leash

Centerplate CEO Desmond “Dog Abuser” Hague Caught on Video Repeatedly Kicking Puppy & Lifting Dog Off Floor With Leash

Desmond “Des” Hague, the CEO of arena concessions company Centerplate has been caught on camera heinously abusing a 1-year-old Doberman pinscher in an elevator, kicking the animal repeatedly, and yanking the leash so hard that the puppy left the floor, and was at one point hanging by the leash.

“I take full responsibility for my actions,” he said. “This incident is completely and utterly out of character and I am ashamed and deeply embarrassed. Under the circumstances of the evening in question, a minor frustration with a friend’s pet caused me to lose control of my emotional response. Unfortunately, I acted inappropriately, and I am deeply sorry for that and am very grateful that no harm was caused to the animal.”


Dog abuser Desmond Hague thinks that he can give some sorry ass excuse and apology, attend anger management counseling, and …

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