Out-of-Touch Black Hating Democrat Pete Buttigieg Thinks Kobe Bryant Played Basketball ‘On The Field’

Pete Buttigieg thinks that Kobe Bryant would be mourned for what he did “on the field” and “off the field” – except basketball is on a court, not a field. I bet Buttigieg thinks Kobe also kicked a ball on that field?

Out-of-Touch Black Hating Democrat Pete Buttigieg Thinks Kobe Bryant Played Basketball ‘On The Field’

“There are millions of people, not just in Los Angeles, but around the world right now mourning because they were inspired by what he did on the field, what he meant off the field”

It was a good generic stab in the dark, but there is no denying that Pete Buttigieg hates black people, and while he tries making it seem that he gives a crap, it’s easy to see that Buttigieg is just full of shit, and talking out his ass.

The racist beliefs of Pete Buttigieg is no shock though.. Most democrats hate black people – It’s just a fact – I guess when you are a member of the Confederate democrat party, who fought the Civil War to keep their supposed right to keep black people as slaves, fought against civil rights laws, and started the KKK to terrorize black people, you are bound to hold a lot of the same racist views and beliefs as those who came before..

Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg inexplicably described NBA basketball player Kobe Bryant as playing “on the field” on Sunday.

The mayor reacted to Kobe Bryant’s death in a helicopter crash on Sunday at the beginning of a Fox News town hall in Iowa.

“There are millions of people, not just in Los Angeles, but around the world right now mourning because they were inspired by what he did on the field, what he meant off the field,” Buttigieg said.

As a basketball player, Bryant would have played on the basketball court, not on an athletic field.

Buttigieg commented on Bryant’s death after President Donald Trump and former President Barack Obama also expressed their grief at his untimely death at the age of 41. Bryant’s teenage daughter and at least three others were also killed in the crash.

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