Holder’s Fake Leak Investigation Not Good Enough – Independent Special Prosecutor Needed!

Holder's Fake Leak Investigation Not Good Enough - Independent Special Prosecutor Needed!

Holder's Fake Leak Investigation Not Good Enough - Independent Special Prosecutor Needed!

Does Eric Holder really believe that hiring their own inside people to investigate very serious leaks of classified security information by his friends in the Obama administration is good enough? Leaks that our intelligence people say is the “worst breach they’ve ever seen”.

Mr Holder said that he has every confidence that the people he appointed will “doggedly follow the facts and the evidence in pursuit of justice wherever it leads”, but we do not feel that this is the case, and have absolutely no confidence in Eric Holder, or anyone working for him to do the right thing.

The investigators appointed by Eric Holder are not intended to get to the bottom of the leaks by the Obama administration, and are only intended to “diffuse the situation and create ambiguity”. Eric Holder is an obstructionist who would never have his investigators go after the people in the Obama administration who have been leaking important classified security information to the media. (leaks that were designed to make Obama …

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CONTEMPT! Eric Holder Claims Emails Using Words ‘Fast and Furious’ Don’t Refer to ‘Fast and Furious’ Scandal & Coverup

John Boehner needs to stop stalling, and hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt! Eric Holder needs to be held accountable to Congress and the American People for his stonewalling, deception, and lies, as well as for the active coverup of the “Fast and Furious” Gun Running Scandal!

Eric Holder is unbelievable! This corrupt loser should be in prison, instead of in a position of power in our government! Eric Holder has abused his power, time and time again, for political gain, and self preservation.

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

Eric Holder is now trying to claim that emails that use the term ‘Fast and Furious’, and speak about ‘guns walking’ do not refer to the topic of investigation, which is the growing “Fast and Furious” Gun Running Scandal. Eric Holder is withholding documents that the investigation has asked for, and s either holding out while evidence gets scrubbed or destroyed, or until they have no other options.

One email read …

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Obama Admin’s AG Eric Holder Continues Ignoring 2011 Subpoena – Hides Details of Fast & Furious Scandal & Cover-Up

Obama Admin's AG Eric Holder Continue Ignoring 2011 Subpoena to Hide Details of Fast & Furious Scandal & Cover-Up

Obama Admin's AG Eric Holder Continue Ignoring 2011 Subpoena to Hide Details of Fast & Furious Scandal & Cover-Up

Eric Holder continues to ignore the 2011 subpoena aimed at getting to the bottom of Obama and Eric Holder’s Fast & Furious Gun-Running Scandal and subsequent cover-up. Disregarding a federal subpoena is something that you or I would have been thrown in prison for long ago, but Eric Holder feels that he is above the law, and cannot be held accountable for the crimes they have committed, or let be committed with their full knowledge and approval.

Eric Holder and the Justice Department were supposed to be handing over all documents pertaining to the Fast & Furious Gun Running Scandal & Coverup, but they have not released any documents that could help the investigation, or shed light on how Obama’s Justice Department allowed thousands of high-powered, fully automatic assault rifles to be sold to criminals, and then never tracked the illegally sold firearms. “Nothing has come from your department, not a shred of paper” Issa to Holder

Eric Holder Belongs In

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Eric Holder & Obama’s Corrupt Justice Department Fights To Allow More Voter Fraud

Eric Holder & Obama's Corrupt Justice Department Fights To Allow More Voter Fraud

Eric Holder & Obama's Corrupt Justice Department Fights To Allow More Voter Fraud

Now Obama is actually fighting to keep illegal voters on the voter rolls, to help him in 2012! Scumbags!

Eric Holder, Obama’s ultra-corrupt Justice Department, and members of the Democrat Culture of Corruption are actively fighting to keep illegal immigrants, and others not allowed to vote, on the voting roles for the next election, and are frantically trying to keep conservatives from removing the non-citizen voters from the voter rolls.

Obama knows that he is in BIG trouble in the next election, and the Democrats are panicking and realize that they will need to cheat more than usual in order to try and stay in power, and they have every intention of trying to get as many illegal votes as they can to help them cheat the voting system once again.

The Justice Department ordered Florida’s elections division to halt a systematic effort to find and purge the state’s voter rolls of non-citizen voters.

Florida’s effort appears to violate both the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which protects

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The Hypocrisy of Corrupt AG Eric Holder – Corrupt AG Files Lawsuit Against Great American Sheriff Joe Arpaio

The hypocrisy of Eric Holder and the Obama administration is hilarious!

Ultra Corrupt “Scum of the Earth” Eric Holder and the equally corrupt Obama administration have put the full court press in order to keep our borders wide open, allowing their criminal and terrorist friends cross our borders illegally, carrying who-knows-what with them.

Eric Holder, the most corrupt US Attorney General, has a lot of blood on his hands, for his part in the Obama administration’s “Fast & Furious” gun running scandal, which allowed thousands of high-powered automatic weapons to be sold illegally, and allowed to be taken back across the border by criminals intent on using the illegal weapons in violent crimes. Yet, Eric Holder has refused to cooperate with the Fast and Furious investigation, and when ordered to hand over documents pertaining Holder’s gun-running scandal, Eric Holder gave the investigators a bunch of completely blank pages.

Eric Holder…. What a stupid piece of shit!! We hope that after Obama is removed from office, that there will be a lot of investigations into Eric Holder’s corruption and crimes.


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House to Charge Eric Holder with Contempt over Fast and Furious Scandal & Coverup

House to Charge Eric Holder with Contempt over Fast and Furious Scandal & Coverup

House to Charge Eric Holder with Contempt over Fast and Furious Scandal & Coverup

The House of Representatives is planning to charge Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, with contempt for obstructing the congressional probe into the deadly Fast and Furious scandal, which allowed thousands of high-powered weapons to “walk” across the border into Mexico, without tracking the firearms, or holding anyone accountable for the crimes committed with the illegal firearms released into the public by the Obama administration.

We are now also learning about the ulterior motives of the Obama administration for letting these illegal weapons walk out of their control. The Obama administration has been thinking up every way that they could start disarming the American People, and one of the ways that they came up with was to allow high-powered assault rifles to disappear into Mexico, knowing full well that these weapons would be used in crimes, or better yet (as far as the Obama administration is concerned) someone may be killed with the guns.

Then the ultra-corrupt Obama administration could come back to the American People and …

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Gun-Running, Liberal Racist, Eric Holder Won’t Charge Black People With Crimes!

Gun-Running, Liberal Racist, Eric Holder Won't Charge Black People With Crimes!

Gun-Running, Liberal Racist, Eric Holder Won't Charge Black People With Crimes!

Is the brain-dead king of illegal gun running, Eric Holder, also a Racist?
Does Eric Holder determine who will be charged with a crime, and who won’t be charged with a crime, by the color of the person’s skin?
Can a black person get away with crimes that any white person would be vilified by the Obama administration for?

USBACKLASH feels that the answer to both of these questions is an astounding “YES!!” that Eric Holder is a corrupt racist who only charges white people with crimes, no matter the severity of the crime committed by blacks.

What other reason is there why Eric Holder has not acted to protect George Zimmerman from the New Black Panthers calls for his capture or killing, or other hate crimes perpetrated by Blacks in the New Black Panthers?

What other reason was there for Eric Holder to not charge the New Black Panther members who deliberately engaged in Voter Intimidation?

The reason is because Eric Holder is one of the most corrupt,

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Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup – Lies – Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup - Lies - Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup - Lies - Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

It’s almost funny that jack-ass Eric Holder keeps denying knowledge of the Fast & Furious gun-running scheme, when anyone who has been paying attention can see, full-well, that Eric Holder and the DOJ have been lying through their teeth to try and coverup their ineptness, save themselves the embarrassment, and keep their jobs. It would definitely be funny if the guns that Eric Holder let walk were not used to kill U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December of 2010.

How can a U.S. Attorney General, who received multiple memos telling him about problems with the Justice Department’s gun running scheme, then turn around and say that he was not aware of the gunwalking scheme, or the problems associated with the DOJ gunwalking scheme? If Eric Holder was not aware of the Fast & Furious gun-running scheme, or the problems associated with the gun-running scheme, that is HIS OWN FAULT, and we think that Eric Holder actually didn’t WANT to know about the dangers …

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