The Communist democrat idiots who stole the 2020 election and now run our government have COMPLETELY DESTROYED America’s economy, from top to bottom (on purpose for sure), and now the democrats and their enemies of the People fake news outlets that protect them, are conspiring to blame everyone, EXCEPT the real cause of the economic destruction, which is the fake Biden administration and the puppet-masters who control the senile fake president.


From groceries to gas to clothes, and everything in-between, Americans are paying a shitload more for everything we buy, thanks to this shadow-run government. We know exactly who is to blame, and I think they will eventually be held accountable by Congress, once the right Republicans grow some fucking balls.

These democrat clowns have blamed the Republicans, the American People, truckers, the grocery stores, and everyone else they can think of for the price increases on every-fucking-thing, but it’s not working. The American People blame this senile fake president and criminal, and the Communists / Marxists / America-Haters pulling Biden’s strings behind the scene in his fake administration.

Fake Indian Communist skank bitch Elizabeth Warren even went as far as to send some of the large grocery stores a mean letter, blaming THEM for the increase in prices, and basically telling them that THEY have to eat the cost increases created by the complete fucking idiots currently making the decisions for all of us, but that is just not how business works, and if stupid fake Indian Communist skank bitch Elizabeth Warren wasn’t suck a commie skank she might know that.

I guess you can’t blame a Communist idiot if she doesn’t actually know how the economy works. I mean, stupid fake Indian Communist skank bitch Elizabeth Warren is one disgusting woman who had to lie her entire life about everything about herself to get to where she is now. I guess that’s still a step ahead of our fake vice president, who sucked her way to the top like a hooker.

These “ladies” are complete fucking jokes and anything that comes out of their mouths is a joke as well.

I bet most 4th graders have more brains and knowledge of the US economy than that dumb lying fake Indian Communist skank bitch Elizabeth Warren.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is blaming grocery stores for the explosion in food prices.

This week, Warren sent a letter to the heads of Kroger, Albertson’s, and Publix — a letter she shared “exclusively” with her left-wing allies at NBC News — accusing the grocery chains of price gouging.

“Your company, and the other major grocers who reaped the benefits of a turbulent 2020, appear to be passing costs on to consumers to preserve your pandemic gains and even taking advantage of inflation to add greater burdens,” Lieawatha wrote.

“Your companies had a choice: They could have retained lower prices for consumers and properly protected and compensated their workers,” she added, “or granted massive payouts to top executives and investors.”

“It is disappointing that you chose not to put your customers and workers first.”

This is pure demagoguery and a shameless attempt to blame-shift away from the serial failures of His Fraudulency Joe Biden.

Are we honestly supposed to believe that after decades — and I do mean decades — of ridiculously cheap and plentiful food that all the big grocery stores chose now, right now, to huddle together in an illegal conspiracy to raise prices?

Basically, she’s asking a business that operates with some of the lowest profit margins of any American industry (in the two percent range) to absorb the added costs of Biden’s failures, namely 1) inflation, 2) supply chain shortages, and 3) exploding fuel costs.

Compare grocery chain profit margins to airlines (seven percent), electric utilities (seven to nine percent), alcoholic beverages (five to seven percent), restaurants (nine to 11 percent)… But grocers are the problem?

In my little town, off the top of my head, I can think of six separate grocery store chains operating within a square mile or three: Walmart, Lowes Foods, Publix, Harris Teeter, Food Lion, and Ingles. The competition for your grocery dollar is fierce, which is true just about everywhere.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org