Obama Administration Kills American Innocent Bystanders With Kill List Drone Strikes

You better know who is within a few hundred yards of you at every minute with Obama in the Oval Office.

Not only does Obama feel that his administration has the right to kill Americans, without due process, with secret Kill List drone strikes, but you are also in danger if you are even in the general vicinity of someone on Obama’s Kill List.

Imagine going out to eat while on vacation abroad, and you unknowingly go to a restaurant where someone on Obama’s Kill List is eating. Without any warning, In comes one of Obama’s drone strikes, and Boom! Everyone who was unlucky enough to choose the same restaurant is now dead. It can happen. Ask the 4 Americans, that we know of, that Obama already killed. If they are reporting 4 were killed, the chances are that the number is much higher.

One day before President Obama is due to deliver a major speech on national security, his administration on Wednesday formally acknowledged that the United States had killed four American citizens in drone strikes in Yemen and

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Nutless Losers Graham & McCain Attack Paul Over Filibuster Protecting Citizen Rights

John-McCain-Is-A-PussyWhile Rand Paul was torturing himself, by speaking for 12 hours, to stand up for yours and my rights, Mr. Graham and Mr. McCain sat down for at a fancy, Democrat-style (high on wasteful spending), private dinner with Obama,

Afterwards, the two biggest pussy losers in the Republican Party felt the need to attack Mr. Paul for the Filibuster, which mainly dealt with the fact that the Obama administration feels it is within their rights to kill Americans, on US Soil, with Drone strikes, with little or no proof of wrongdoing.

Imagine This – You’re sitting at the dinner table having diner with your family. Secretly, Obama has sent an armed drone over your house and shoots a missile through your roof, killing you, and your whole family, and some of your neighbors.

Republicans have been up in arms over the new powers Obama has given himself, but now, after dining with Obama, no-nuts Graham even says that Obama doesn’t need to answer the question about using drones in the United States to kill Americans. Mr. Graham even went so …

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Corrupt Obama Admin Says Secret Drone Strikes Against Americans Are Legal, Ethical, & Wise

The Obama administration’s Justice Department memo reaches the conclusion that it is within their legal limits to use secret drone strikes to kill U.S. citizens, even if the targeted U.S. citizen had never been charged with any crimes, or indicted by the U.S. government before being attacked and killed.

Obama Admin Says Secret Drone Strikes Against Americans Are Legal, Ethical, & Wise

Obama Admin Says Secret Drone Strikes Against Americans Are Legal, Ethical, & Wise

Obama’s use of secret drone strikes goes WAY beyond what his powers allow, and the Obama administration should be held accountable for their crimes against US Citizens and their families.

A confidential Justice Department memo concludes that the U.S. government can order the killing of American citizens if they are believed to be “senior operational leaders” of al-Qaida or “an associated force” — even if there is no intelligence indicating they are engaged in an active plot to attack the U.S.

The 16-page memo, a copy of which was obtained by NBC News, provides new details about the legal reasoning behind one of the Obama administration’s most secretive and controversial polices: its dramatically increased use of drone strikes

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Benghazi-Gate: Obama’s Inept Handling of Libya Cost American Lives & National Security Secrets

The inexperienced and inept “leadership” of the Obama administration led to the loss of American lives, treasure, national security secrets and much more.

Watch Obama dance around the question “Were the Americans under attack at the Consulate in Benghazi Libya denied requests for help during that attack?”

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

The answer is a definite Yes. The Americans under attack in Benghazi DID request help, but were denied by the Obama administration, so for Obama to say that they are “finding out exactly what happened” is a bunch of bullshit. The Obama administration had a drone flying above Benghazi filming the attack for 7 hours, and reports have said that “CIA officers in Benghazi had been told to “stand down” when they wanted to deploy from their base at the annex to repel the attack on the consulate, about a mile away.”

The Benghazi-gate cover-up by the Obama administration and other corrupt liberals is being ignored by the dying …

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Obama’s Unbelievably Bad Foreign Policies Create Havoc & Violence Around World

Obama's Unbelievably Bad Foreign Policies Create Havoc & Violence Around World

Obama’s Unbelievably Bad Foreign Policies Create Havoc & Violence Around World

Obama’s complete inexperience, in anything other than “community organizing” and spreading your wealth around, has become completely evident around the world in the past month.

Bush may have captured terrorists and used enhanced interrogation methods to get the information needed to stop further attacks, but Obama, the coward, just sends in a drone armed with long-range weapons, and blows the terrorist, and the useful information he could have provided the US government, into a million little pieces with a drone missile strike from above.

Obama likes to jam missiles down people’s throats first and ask questions later, which is not a very good foreign relations policy, and has helped create world-wide anti-American protests and violence.

The decision announced yesterday to cut back on joint operations undertaken by international and Afghan forces raises crucial questions about the key plank of the exit strategy from the 11-year war which has proved costly in lives and money.

The move is also a significant propaganda coup for the insurgents, coming just after their

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Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies – Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States

Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies - Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States

Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies – Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States- In reality the violence against United States is due to Obama’s indiscriminate drone attacks.

The brain-dead Obama administration continues to push the lie that the violent Middle East protests are the result of some obscure movie that nobody had even heard about, when everyone who doesn’t have their heads stuck up their asses knows that these were planned acts of war designed to add injury to the memory of 9/11.

These attacks were planned ahead of time and coordinated with the skill of a large military hitting their objective.

The Obama administration wants people to think that the protests and violence are the result of an anti-Islamic video, but in reality the violence we are seeing is the result of Obama’s cowardly drone strike killings.

The Obama administration brags about killing terrorists, but that’s all they do – Kill them. The Obama administration is too weak and scared to take any of these terrorists into custody, where we could actually interrogate them, and get …

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Holder & Obama Refuse Calls For Special Prosecutor in Leak Investigation – Names Two Admin Shill Attorneys

Holder & Obama Refuse Calls For Special Prosecutor in Leak Investigation - Names Two Admin Shill Attorneys

Holder & Obama Refuse Calls For Special Prosecutor in Leak Investigation - Names Two Admin Shill Attorneys

Everyone knows, without a doubt, that someone in the Obama administration has been leaking important classified national security information to the media, and anyone else they think might help their re-election efforts.

Obama’s Ultra-Corrupt Attorney General Eric H. Holder is helping cover-up the crimes by the Obama administration, and instead of naming an independent special prosecutor to the case, Holder named two U.S. attorneys, who are probably just more shills for the Obama administration, and will not hold the Obama or his people accountable for their crimes.

There is absolutely no way that anyone outside Obama’s inner circle could have leaked the national security information because the leaks came from inside the Oval Office, where the only people you will find are Obama’s people. You will not find a janitor in the Oval Office while their meetings are taking place, so the leaks HAD to be committed by someone inside Obama’s group of aids and advisers.

Any denials by the Obama administration to …

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