Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies – Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States

Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies - Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States

Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies – Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States- In reality the violence against United States is due to Obama’s indiscriminate drone attacks.

The brain-dead Obama administration continues to push the lie that the violent Middle East protests are the result of some obscure movie that nobody had even heard about, when everyone who doesn’t have their heads stuck up their asses knows that these were planned acts of war designed to add injury to the memory of 9/11.

These attacks were planned ahead of time and coordinated with the skill of a large military hitting their objective.

The Obama administration wants people to think that the protests and violence are the result of an anti-Islamic video, but in reality the violence we are seeing is the result of Obama’s cowardly drone strike killings.

The Obama administration brags about killing terrorists, but that’s all they do – Kill them. The Obama administration is too weak and scared to take any of these terrorists into custody, where we could actually interrogate them, and get …

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