Newton / Hesston Kansas Mass Shooting Swept Under Rug After Liberals Realize Shooter Was Black Man Cedric Larry Ford

It’s funny how, when there is a shooting committed by a White person, the media talk about it incessantly for days on end, but when a mass shooting is committed by a black animal, the libtard media sweeps the entire event under the rug, and pretends that it never happened.

The latest mass shooting was in fact committed by a black animal named Cedric Larry Ford.

The BLACK MASS SHOOTER, Cedric Larry Ford, who had a tattoo of the “Grim Reaper” on his left forearm, started shooting people indiscriminately at a Kansas business and two other locations, killing 3 people and wounding 14 others.

At least the police shot and killed the violent animal, Cedric Larry Ford!

Also, look at the bottom of the page and see all of the tweets from racist pieces of shot who instantly assumed that the shooter was White.

I wonder how many other mass shootings perpetrated by blacks have also been kept secret to protect the liberal lie that White males do all of the killings – which is a total joke anyway because we KNOW that the VAST MAJORITY of shootings, stabbings, murders, rapes, muggings, home invasions, car-jackings, robberies, looting, arson, and many other crimes are mainly committed by black criminals.

You may have noticed that the mainstream media abruptly stopped reporting on the Kansas mass shooting that killed three people and injured 16. Now, the reason for this silence has been revealed, and it’s horrifying.

According to Infowars, the liberal media stopped reporting on the story as soon as they learned the suspect was a black man.

Cedric Larry Ford spent 26 minutes terrorizing fellow employees at Excel Industries in Hesston, yet liberals were quick to blame the shooting on whites before his identity was revealed.

Hesston Police Chief Doug Schroeder, who is being hailed as a hero by his local community, is said to have stopped the mass shooting after being the first officer on scene.

“He went right in and did a heroic duty and service,” Gov. Sam Brownback said.







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