Brainless Libtard Whoopi Goldberg Promotes & Supports Murdering Babies – “Get Out of My Vagina”

Whoopi Goldberg is a complete and total fucking loser who supports murdering babies, just because the pregnant slutbag doesn’t feel like having a baby.

Whoopi, you are one stupid piece of shit!

If these knocked-up liberal skankzillas want to have abortions, I prefer them sticking hangers inside them to try and kill the baby, rather than having my tax dollars going to pay for a corrupt and criminal organization, like Planned Parenthood, to perform the baby murders, and then see the murdered baby body parts to the highest bidder on the Black Market.

At least if the woman is trying to kill her baby with a coat hanger, there is a chance that she could kill herself as well with a misplaced hanger jab, which would honestly make the world a better place.

People who are desperate enough to go and get an abortion, there is a reason they need it, they feel they need it. Get out of my vagina.

Yea, I’m sure there are liberals who are addicted to murdering babies by abortion, and feel that they always need to have more abortions.

But Whoopi, don’t worry, nobody wants to get inside your stank-ass vagina! I can’t think of a more terrifying nightmare, than being anywhere around Whoopi’s disgusting gash.

Whoopi also obviously has no fucking clue why Planned Parenthood was started by Margret Sanger. Whoopi says that “now that they’ve defunded Planned Parenthood, and perhaps forgotten why Planned Parenthood came into being, which was people got tired of tripping over women with hangers hanging out of their bodies because they were giving themselves these abortions.” – Whoopi uses the same imagery that was used to start the nightmare of systematic, government sanctioned and funded baby murder of Black babies.

Whoopi has no idea that the baby murder queen, Margret Sanger, started Planned Parenthood to cull the Black population, and prevent a high percentage of Black babies from being born. Marger Sanger’s plot worked, and today most Planned Parenthood baby murder mills are located in Black neighborhoods.

Here is a video that gives a lot of info about abortion genocide of the Black population, started by “child of the devil” Margret Sanger

I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world–that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin — that people can — can commit..

Margret Sanger was even involved with the KKK, and gave speeches to KKK rallys, while promoting the systematic murder of Black babies.

And Margret Sanger’s vision of murdering Black babies has worked like a charm, and the brainwashed Black population have been programmed to forget their history, and the truth about Black abortion.

  • Since 1973, legalized abortion has killed more Blacks than AIDS, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and violent crime combined!
  • Each and every week, more Blacks die by abortion than were killed in the entire Vietnam war.
  • A Black baby is more than 5X more likely to be aborted than a White baby.
  • Every 4 days, more Black babies are killed than Blacks killed by the KKK in 150 years.

Halfwit Whoopi Goldberg needs to get a fucking clue, because she has no idea about the topics of which she blathers on about.

After having barely recovered from last week’s nurse mocking debacle, the catty hosts over at The View helped themselves to some sloppy seconds of nihilism Monday morning when ultra-leftist Whoopi Goldberg praised abortion conglomerate Planned Parenthood to an uproar of thunderous applause while her co-hosts nodded in puppet-like agreement.

Whoopi’s rant covered all the talking points familiar to anyone who had the misfortune of sitting through Feminism 101; the only difference being that Whoopi added some of her own theology to spice it up a bit, even going as far to say that God wants abortion. Her statement below:

People cannot always afford to have the child they are pregnant with. It is nobody, not even God, God says ‘come to me, if you have an issue come to me, nobody else can judge you’. So here’s my question: now that they’ve defunded Planned Parenthood, and perhaps forgotten why Planned Parenthood came into being, which was people got tired of tripping over women with hangers hanging out of their bodies because they were giving themselves these abortions. It was supposed to be safe and clean. So explain to me now what you are going to do, because if you think this will stop women from doing it, it’s not. People who are desperate enough to go and get an abortion, there is a reason they need it, they feel they need it. Get out of my vagina.

The crowd erupted into thunderous applause. Thankfully, The View has been plummeting in its viewership and losing advertisers, so Whoopi Goldberg may as well just be talking to herself.

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