Watch Republican House Intelligence Members Finish Job of Ripping Democrat Criminal Robert Mueller New Asshole!

Here we go again!! Democrats continue pushing their stupid debunked lies, while Republicans continue ripping confused & corrupt Democrat criminal co-conspirator Robert Mueller a new gaping asshole!

“Democrats have argued for years evidence of collusion is just around the corner, like the Loch Ness Monster” – Rep Devin Nunes

Mueller continues to not answer the most basic questions about the Democrat’s sham “investigation” and failed coup attempt from Republicans, while backing up all of the Democrat’s lies. Devin Nunez even called the Democrat’s lies regarding made-up Trump crimes the “Loch Ness Monster”

It’s pretty fucking funny that Mueller keeps saying something like “If it’s in the report, then it’s accurate.”, which is complete and utter bullshit. Pretty much nothing in the bullshit Mueller Report is accurate or factual.

Shit-for-Brains Mueller couldn’t even remember the word “conspiracy”, and instead said something like “that word that is similar to collusion”, and a Republican had to actually remind Mueller of the word “conspiracy”.

Democrats didn’t even attempt to extract any new information from Mueller (which would ostensibly be the purpose of an oversight hearing). Instead they tried to goad him into dramatizing parts of the Report, which he repeatedly declined to do. It was a total embarrassment. – Michael Tracey

“Given his poor memory, sluggishness, and lack of familiarity with his own Report, we now have more insight into why Mueller allowed his 2-year investigation to spiral out of control and devolve into absurdity.” – Michael Tracey

And Adam Schiff… What a TOTAL lying tool!! It’s laughable that a criminal douchebag like Adam Schiff is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, because Schiff is a lying psycho treasonous bastard criminal, who appears to be off his psycho medication, and definitely belongs to rot in a prison cell for a very long time!

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