Untrustworthy Fox Fake News Forced to Retract Bullshit House Prediction – Will Have To Retract Presidential Call Soon

Fox News is untrustworthy and not believable at all anymore. Hell, Fox is giving CNN a run for their fake news dollars lately, to the point where many, many Fox viewers are tuning them out completely, and probably for good. We’re done being lied to – straight to our face – by the one news outlet that we had been able to trust (seemingly) in the past.

Untrustworthy Fox Fake News Forced to Retract Bullshit House Prediction – Will Have To Retract Presidential Call Soon

We heard all kinds of bullshit from the dumbfucks at FOX – all of which turned out to be complete bullshit and lies – most likely in collusion with the democrats to try and prevent voters from getting out to vote for President Trump.

I had been a Fox viewer and supporter for probably around 30 years, and the untrustworthy fake conservative cock suckers who run/own Fox have completely fucked that up in the space off one election cycle, to the point where I may never watch Fox again. I’m sure I’ll be able to find Tucker, Hannity, Dobbs and other trustworthy Fox hosts (there aren’t many left) online, where I’m not helping Fox in any way, and that’s exactly what I will do.

So to Fox News I say, “Sayonara – Au revoir – Arrivederci” You fucked the American People one too many times, and we don’t need more fake conservatives or untrustworthy fake news liars..

Obviously, the biggest Election Day loser will either be President Trump or Joe Biden, depending on who ultimately wins the presidential election, and the second biggest loser will be congressional Democrats, who lost seats in the House and failed to retake the Senate majority, but another major loser –without any question — is disgraced Fox News.

The bottom is falling out of Fox’s reputation, and there are reports that the once-respected outlet is suffering in the ratings. None of this should surprise anyone, especially with the countless botched calls and outright lies still being uncovered during the dumpster fire that was Fox’s Election Night coverage.


The Fox News Decision Desk can project Democrats will retain control of the House of Representatives and expand their majority by at least five seats. That’s a major boost for Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has pledged to roll back much of President Trump’s first term agenda if he loses reelection. … There have been projections that Democrats could pick up as many as fifteen seats.

Of course, nothing of the kind happened. The House counts are a little different everywhere, but it looks like Democrats may have somewhere between 6 and 10 House seats, and could lose as many as 15.

By the way, did you notice how I couched and caveated the above sentence? Did you notice how I informed you that the “counts are a little different everywhere” and used words like “looks” and phrases like “as many”?

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