One completely fucking stupid worthless black lives matter terrorist Isaiah Jackson kneels on a baby’s neck, while another holds his hands behind his back, and then another stupid worthless black lives matter terrorist and so-called “teacher” tells him to “lean in to it until death!”. These are a few black lives matter terrorists who deserve to be beaten within an inch of their lives, and then some! Baby-abusing black lives matter terrorist Isaiah Jackson & his arm-holding accomplice, as well as Cedar Grove High School teacher Brian Papin should each be stomped out cold. I’d pay to watch that shit!

I got $1000 that says baby-abusing black lives matter terrorist Isaiah Jackson is a Colin Kaepernick fan.. What do ya think?

Knowing how people are treated in prison after abusing children, I’d also love to see what happens to the disgusting black lives matter terrorist Isaiah Jackson, after he posted an image of himself re-enacting the George Floyd killing on an innocent baby. Look at the baby crying hard as another terrorist fuck holds the baby’s hands behind his back while black lives matter terrorist Isaiah Jackson kneels on the baby’s neck. That makes me want to puke!

And worthless fat fuck Cedar Grove High School teacher Brian Papin, who actually wears a cross around his neck, is too fat and stupid to have a chance fighting anyone his own size, so he has to talk others through how to murder babies. That… ahem.. man… should not be a teacher, and I’d have to hold myself back from punching that fat fuck in the throat, and watch him choke.

The same goes for disgusting baby-abusing black lives matter terrorist Isaiah Jackson. Fucking fools!

“Again! Your doing it wrong! One knee on the center of the back one one the neck and lean into it until death! You saw the video! Get it right or stop fucking around!” – Cedar Grove High School teacher Brian Papin

That’s just like the democrat party though, isn’t it? It’s the devil hiding in plain sight. Wearing a cross while encouraging others to commit murder.

One thing is for sure. Both of these black lives matter terrorist fucks deserve much worse than the law would ever allow.

Lets make sure that Brian Papin is no longer allowed to teach or be of any influence to kids, and lets make sure that Isaiah Jackson gets what’s coming to him as well!

Brian Papin, a Special Education teacher at Cedar Grove High School in Atlanta, Georgia encouraged the Black Lives Matter supporter kneeling on a white baby’s neck in a viral photo to “lean into it until death.”

TGP’s Cassandra Fairbanks on Wednesday reported on a photograph of a man kneeling on the neck of a white baby while another person holds the diapered child’s arms is stirring up a massive amount of rage on social media.

In the photo, a man named Isaiah Jackson is seen kneeling on the neck of his girlfriend’s two year old son as another person holds down the diaper-clad baby’s feet. The photo was captioned with “Blm now mf.”

The viral photo caught the attention of special ed teacher Brian Papin.

Instead of condemning the horrific act, Papin encouraged more violence toward the innocent baby in a Facebook post.

“Again! Your doing it wrong! One knee on the center of the back one one the neck and lean into it until death! You saw the video! Get it right or stop f***ing around!” Papin said in a Facebook comment.

According to Brian Papin’s LinkedIn page, he has been a special education teacher at Cedar Grove High School since July 2018.

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office has confirmed to Gateway Pundit that he is “100% certain” that charges will be filed against those responsible for the photo of a two-year-old baby being held down as his mother’s boyfriend kneeled on his neck.

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