Obama Admin Gives Pet Wind Farms 30-Year Permits Allowing Killing of Protected Eagles

The Obama administration’s green energy experiment is costing the lives of many bald and golden eagles, as many of the protected birds are being killed by new wind farms.

Obama Admin Gives Pet Wind Farms 30-Year Permits Allowing Killing of Protected Eagles

Obama Admin Gives Pet Wind Farms 30-Year Permits Allowing Killing of Protected Eagles

On top of the deaths that are occurring everyday, now the Obama administration have also given their wind farm friends 30 year permits that give them permission to kill federally-protected eagles.

Matthew Stuber, an eagle permit coordinator with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said that they initially wanted to only grant 5 year permits allowing the killing of federally protected eagles, but they eventually gave into the wind farm owners who wanted 30 year permits allowing them to kill as many eagles as they want, as long as they estimates the amount beforehand.

Americans need to stand up to Obama’s so-called green energy scams, and stop them from allowing the killing of our federally-protected national symbol. The Eagle.

One of the nation’s leading bird conservation groups plans to sue the Obama administration over a federal regulation that

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