WHITE LIVES MATTER: Pennsylvania Black Teen Thug Murdered White Teenage Classmate – Then Took Selfie Pic With Corpse

WHITE LIVES MATTER: Pennsylvania Black Teen Thug Murdered White Teenager - Then Took Selfie Pic With Corpse

WHITE LIVES MATTER: Pennsylvania Black Teen Thug Murdered White Teenager – Then Took Selfie Pic With Corpse

16-year-old Maxwell Morton is a thug and a murderer who killed a white teenage classmate by shooting him in the face, and then took a selfie of himself posing with the teenager’s bloody corpse.

What kind of sick ass fucker would shoot a teenage classmate the face, killing him, and then stop to pose for a selfie with the lifeless, faceless body?

Maxwell Morton is a black thug murderer who deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison, if not be put to death

Maxwell Morton is a black thug murderer who deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison, if not be put to death, for his heinous crime.

WHITE LIVES MATTER! We need to stop the out-of-control black on white crime and violence, with or without the help of the police.
White people need to arm themselves with legally obtained firearms, and then use their guns to help put an end to the black on white crime spree and violence that has been spreading around the nation.

Police in Pennsylvania have arrested a black teen who they say murdered a white

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Black Protesters Tell White People Their ‘Roles & Responsibilities’ For Protesting With The Blacks

Black Protesters Tell White People Their 'Roles & Responsibilities' For Protesting With The Blacks

Black Protesters Tell White People Their ‘Roles & Responsibilities’ For Protesting With The Blacks

The black “leaders” are calling on black racists to “collect White folks” who don’t follow their rules?

“Call-in / Collect White folks who are causing harm and/or breaking guidelines set by Black leadership”

When you “collect” someone without their permission, that is probably just called kidnapping, so good luck with that, because all that will do is put more black people in prison.

I honestly really don”t care what the Obama administration, Al (Race Huckster) Sharpton, the liberal media, or the mob of black people are saying. I know with 100% certainty that Black people are FAR more racist than whites, and I know cops have a tough job on their hands trying to keep the crime low in the black communities!!

There is absolutely no comparison in the level of racism in the black communities and the white communities, and you know why?

Black people teach young black kids to be racist against white people, and to fight authority, from the time they are born. …

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