Fat Lying Sack of Shit Dawnna Dukes Tries Covering Up Her Attacks Against Abbott’s Handicap at Wendy Davis Rally

The fat ass piece of shit liar Dawnna Dukes has taken over attacking paraplegics for Late Term Abortion Queen Wendy Davis.

Unfortunately, Dukes doesn’t even have the brains or the balls to tell the truth about what she said, knowing full well that there are videos out there that show the truth about what Dawnna Dukes said.

It’s easy to hear that fatass liberal skank Dawnna Dukes says something completely different than what she is now claiming, which is just a typical Democrat style lie after getting caught doing something stupid.

“And then we have this guy who kind of just rolls around thinking that he can get tort reform for himself but take it away from everybody else in the state of Texas”

Fatass liar Dawnna Dukes says that she said that Greg Abbott “rolls into town”, and calls it a “common outsider phrase”, which is a complete bullshit lie.

These idiots get caught, lie about it, and then go right back to doing what they lied about not doing.

Ha! Democrats are fucking idiots!

Tracker 4 @Gregg_AbbottTX starting

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