Entitled Black Americans Angry Mexicans Hired as Farm-Hands More Often Than Blacks

Black Americans Angry Mexicans Hired as Farm-Hands More Often Than BlacksIf black people are angry that the unemployment is twice what white unemployment is, and if black people are mad that certain businesses hire far more Mexicans than Blacks, you have only Obama and the Democrats to blame.

Obama and the Democrats have lied over and over to American minorities, saying how concerned they are with creating more jobs that would lower the unemployment rates in these communities, but in reality, Obama has done absolutely nothing for blacks or other minorities. Obama says that he is concerned for black people, but Obama doesn’t are one iota about black people – he only wanted their vote.

Unemployment in the black communities are higher now than they ever were under a conservative President, and if you think things are bad now, just wait until Obama enacts their amnesty program for the millions of Mexicans already here, and their Open Borders policy, which allows anyone and everyone into the country. Blacks will see unemployment raise to 20%. (and I bet the entitled and brainwashed idiots keep voting Democrat, even though Democrats have only …

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Federal Judge Upholds Majority of New Alabama Immigration Law

A Birmingham federal judge delt a damaging blow to the Obama administration and it’s Department of Justice today, as the federal judge upheld most of the new, tough, Alabama immigration law, which the Obama administration has filed a lawsuit to stop.

What kind of “president” would sue a state for wanting to enforce our nation’s laws, and stop illegal immigrants from entering our country, when Obama and the federal government would do nothing, other than make speeches, attack conservatives, and file lawsuits against anyone wanting to enforce the law. Obama doesn’t care about our nation’s laws.. All Obama cares about are his aspirations of transferring America into a Socialistic nation.

A Birmingham federal judge today upheld most sections of Alabama’s tough new immigration law. U.S. District Judge Sharon Lovelace Blackburn ruled on a U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit seeking to block the law.

Blackburn upheld a provision of the state law related to police stops and detentions of people suspected of being in the country illegally.

She also upheld sections requiring schools to check the citizenship status of children and

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