De Blasio Garbagegate Scandal Leaves Garbage Piling Up “Higher than SUVs” on NY Upper East Side

NY Mayor De Blasio denies that garbage & recyclables piled high on the Upper East Side is punishment or retribution, but it’s starting to look more like that is exactly what is happening. First it was snow removal, and now it’s the garbage. Mr. De Blasio seems to be using, or not using, public works to punish his enemies.

De Blasio Garbagegate Scandal Leaves Garbage Piling Up "Higher than SUVs” on NY Upper East Side

De Blasio Garbagegate Scandal Leaves Garbage Piling Up “Higher than SUVs” on NY Upper East Side

Amazingly, De Blasio’s block in Brooklyn’s Park Slope is clean as a whistle, while the Upper East Side is drowning in uncollected trash waste that is “piling up higher than the SUVs”.

This kind of gutless Democrat corruption should not, and cannot be tolerated, or the corrupt bastards will continue to abuse their power. NY’s Upper East Siders should all get together and force an investigation into the De Blasio Garbagegate Scandal.

Upper East Siders still steamed about last week’s botched snow removal unleashed a new torrent of outrage Monday over the massive mounds of trash piling up on sidewalks.

Dozens of piles of plastic

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