Stupid Democrat Department of Labor Skank Elizabeth Ashack Calls Conservatives “Nazis”

Stupid liberal Democrat Department of Labor bitchbag, Elizabeth Ashack, sent out a tweet calling conservatives and Christians “Nazis”.

Stupid Democrat Department of Labor Skank Elizabeth Ashack Calls Conservatives "Nazis"

Stupid Democrat Department of Labor Skank Elizabeth Ashack Calls Conservatives “Nazis”

“People in the red states vote for nazis, and then call themselves Christian, it will not end well for them. #BoycottIndiana”

Elizabeth Ashack probably realized right away that she is dumb as a box of rocks for tweeting something like that out, and quickly deleted the tweet.

Elizabeth Ashack then started the typical coverup that we always see from these brainless Democrats, after being caught doing something stupid, and said that her computers were hacked, and that she didn’t send out the tweets.

“On Friday, March 24 both my work and home computer were hacked. An investigation is underway. Twitter and LinkedIn accounts were compromised”

Oh right, Elizabeth Ashack’s computers at home and work were BOTH compromised? BULLSHIT! What a stupid lying bitchbag!

We know that this is just the same typical lie that we see from every Democrat who send out stupid shit. It is the exact same lie that …

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