President Bush Accurately Warned Against Premature Mid East Withdraw – Grisly Predictions All Coming True

President George W. Bush accurately predicted that, if the US government pulled our troops out of the Mid East prematurely, it would “establish a safe haven” for the terrorists, and would risk “mass killings on a horrific scale”. All of which are currently coming true under the inept & terrorist friendly “leadership” of Obama.

It’s shocking how accurate President Bush was in his predictions of what would happen after a premature exit from the Mid East. Obama ignored Bush’s warnings, and sure enough, there have been mass killings across the Mid East, with the terrorists beheading people at every available opportunity.

Thursday night on The Kelly File, Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly played part of a speech given by President George Bush in 2007. Bush was responding to increasing calls in Washington, led by Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, to pull all American troops out of Iraq. Bush warned of the dire circumstances for the people of Iraq and for the terrorist threat to America if politicians over-ruled the wisdom of our military commanders on the ground and pulled out

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