Romney Ryan 2012 – Mitt Romney Picks Paul Ryan for VP

Romney Ryan 2012 - Mitt Romney Picks Paul Ryan for VP

Romney Ryan 2012 – Mitt Romney Picks Paul Ryan for VP

Mitt Romney is about to announce his pick for his running mate, which is being reported to be the chairman of the House Budget Committee, Paul Ryan.

USBACKLASH feels that Paul Ryan was the best pick for America, because unlike Tim Geithner, who helped the Obama administration run our economy into the ground with their crony capitalism, Paul Ryan actually knows what he is talking about when it comes to the economy, and will help dig us out of the hole that Obama put us in.

Mitt Romney has selected Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice presidential running mate and will make the long-awaited announcement here Saturday morning.

Romney’s campaign formally alerted supporters at 7 a.m. via an iPhone app that the seven-term congressman would be the Republican vice presidential nominee. Minutes later, the campaign sent out a release calling Romney and Ryan “America’s comeback team.”

By selecting Ryan, Romney has made a potentially bold but risky move to reset the dynamics of the presidential election. He

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Obama Ignores D-Day Once Again – Favors More Campaigning & Fundraising

Obama Ignores D-Day Once Again - Favors More Campaigning & Fundraising

Obama Ignores D-Day Once Again - Favors More Campaigning & Fundraising

Once again, just as we suspected, for the third straight year, Obama has completely ignored D-Day, and the unbelievable sacrifices by the men and women of our military!

Instead of our ‘Commander in Chief’ saying a few words at a D-Day Memorial, or speaking to some of our troops, Obama has decided that his time would be better spent campaigning for more money to help his feeble reelection efforts.

Michelle Obama has taken this year off from supporting our military as well, and has no plans to recognize US soldiers on D-Day.

It’s D-Day and President Obama is hitting the beaches – of sunny California!

Instead of scheduling a brief event to mark the 68th anniversary of America’s brutal landing on the shores of Normandy, Obama is already on his way to San Francisco, where he will hold two fundraisers before moving on to Beverly Hills to stage two more.

Obama failed to mark D-Day with either a speech or a written proclamation both last year or the year

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Permanent Campaign – Obama Has Held More Re-Election Fundraisers Than Previous Five Presidents Combined

Permanent Campaign - Obama Has Held More Re-Election Fundraisers Than Previous Five Presidents Combined

Permanent Campaign - Obama Has Held More Re-Election Fundraisers Than Previous Five Presidents Combined

So the Obama administration has held more re-election fundraisers than the previous 5 presidents, combined? Unbelievable, and at the same time completely believable from this permanent campaigning joke of a president.

We find it interesting that Big Money, Big Government Obama, who attacks the job producers with one hand, and then sticks out the other hand asking for campaign donations from the same group of “foes” the other hand is whipping.

It’s even more interesting to see these groups of people, like Wall Street executives, who still give a lot of money to the worst failed president in US History, even after being vilified, and attacked in the media by this administration.

Yea, Obama promised to change how politics works, but he never said that he would change it for the better.

Barack Obama has already held more re-election fundraising events than every elected president since Richard Nixon combined, according to figures to be published in a new book.

Obama is also the only president in

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Obama Lies, Sticks It To Taxpayers Again With Tax Funded Campaign Bus Tour

We know, you are not surprised that Obama lies. We all know that he is a compulsive, pathological liar, but he has lied again, saying that his latest bus tour is not a campaign bus tour, but we all know that is a complete lie, for which he is making us pay.

Where is all of the outrage that we saw from the jackasses on the left though when Sarah Palin went on a bus tour, which she paid for herself, now that Obama is making all of us pay for his campaign bus tour through all of the battleground states, which he is lying about the reason for?

We should not be on the hook to pay for Obama’s re-election campaign bus tour, but as usual, the Obama administration is lying about the reason for the bus tour, and has no problem making the U.S. taxpayer pay for his continued lies.

President Barack Obama’s upcoming bus tour through the Midwest states typically viewed as swing states during presidential election years will be paid for by the taxpayers, the White

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