Now John Kerry’s State Dept. May Stonewall Congress on Benghazi Subpoena

Now John Kerry's State Dept. May Stonewall on Congressional Benghazi Subpoena

Now John Kerry’s State Dept. May Stonewall on Congressional Benghazi Subpoena

It looks like the Obama administration has gotten to John Kerry, and it seems that Kerry will inevitably be dragged by the ear into helping the Obama administration cover up their inept mishandling and outright lies surrounding the Benghazi Terrorist Attack.

We thought that John Kerry would be one of the only stand-up Democrats that would not feel the overwhelming need to coverup other Democrat’s mistakes, and actually comply with the congressional subpoena.

We certainly hope John Kerry does the right thing, and fully cooperates with the congressional investigation into the Obama administration’s inept mishandling of the Benghazi Terrorist Attack and subsequent coverup by corrupt members of this administration.


Spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters Wednesday that the State Department has not decided if it will comply with a congressional subpoena demanding documents related to the crafting of Benghazi talking points for Susan Rice.

Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a five-page letter on Tuesday explaining why he as chair of the Oversight Committee issued

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What Was Obama’s Role in Fast and Furious Scandal and Coverup?

What Was Obama's Role in Fast and Furious Scandal and Coverup?

What Was Obama’s Role in Fast and Furious Scandal and Coverup?

Now that Obama has hastily thrown his executive privilege cloak around his Attorney General Eric Holder, at the 11th hour of the year-long Fast and Furious investigation, new and important questions arise regarding Obama’s involvement and/or knowledge about the government gun running scandal, which has claimed hundreds of lives, including a US Border Agent.

A few of the questions that Obama needs to answer:

  • What was Obama’s role in the Fast and Furious scandal and coverup?
  • What does Obama know about the Fast and Furious scandal and coverup?
  • When did Obama first learn about the Fast and Furious scandal and coverup?
  • What is the reasoning why executive privilege is being applied in this case?
  • Why was executive privilege not invoked earlier in the investigation proceedings

Things are not looking good for the Obama administration or his Attorney General Eric Holder!

President Obama’s attempt to invoke executive privilege to forestall contempt-of-Congress proceedings against Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. failed. Instead, the claim elevates the dispute between the administration and

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Holder Contempt of Congress Resolution Approved – Despite Obama’s False Claim of Executive Privilege

Holder Contempt of Congress Resolution Approved - Despite Obama's False Claim of Executive Privilege

Holder Contempt of Congress Resolution Approved – Despite Obama’s False Claim of Executive Privilege

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has approved the Contempt of Congress resolution against Attorney General Eric Holder, despite Obama’s false claim of executive privilege, which was hastily asserted by the corrupt Obama administration just minutes before the vote.

Democrats tried offering more stalling tactics to help stall and coverup the crimes committed by the Obama administration, Eric Holder, and the Justice Department.

A House panel voted Wednesday to place Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for his failure to comply with a subpoena, defying an assertion of executive privilege from President Obama.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, led by Republican Chairman Darrell Issa (Calif.), approved a resolution along party lines to place Holder in contempt after battling him for months over access to internal agency documents about the gun-tracking operation Fast and Furious.

The vote came shortly after Obama escalated the conflict by sending a letter to the committee claiming executive privilege over the documents that the panel had sought.

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Republicans Agree to Negotiations With DOJ – May Prevent Eric Holder Contempt of Congress

Republicans Agree to Negotiations With DOJ - May Prevent Eric Holder Contempt of Congress

Republicans Agree to Negotiations With DOJ - May Prevent Eric Holder Contempt of Congress

Republicans have agreed, in theory, to negotiations with attorney general Eric Holder, if Eric Holder and Obama’s Justice Department hands over the 80,000 “Fast & Furious Gun Running Scandal & Coverup” documents that they are required to give to Congress and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Until this point, Eric Holder has ignored the subpoena which demanded that the documents be produced, and has thumbed his nose at Congress, and has acted as though he is above the law and untouchable. (This is par for the course when Democrats are involved)

We assure him that this is not the case though. One way or another, Eric Holder definitely will be held accountable, as we will put pressure on all members of Congress to hold Eric Holder in contempt, should he not ‘cough up’ ALL of the requested and required documents.

The bottom line for Eric Holder: America demands that Eric Holder produce ALL required documents, or face contempt of Congress charges!

Top Republican lawmakers

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Obama To Ignore Order to Appear in Court By Atlanta Judge

Obama To Ignore Order to Appear in Court By Atlanta Judge

Obama To Ignore Order to Appear in Court By Atlanta Judge

Once again, Illegal Immigrant in Chief Obama, feels that he is above the law, and has decided to ignore a subpoena and judge’s order to appear in court.
Obama knows that if he did actually cooperate in the case against him, he would at worst be found not eligible to be president, or at the very least, would be badly damaged in his bid for re-election.

President Obama will ignore an order by an Atlanta judge to appear in court Thursday for a hearing in a case challenging his qualifications under the Constitution to be president.

According to the White House, Obama will continue with his current trip out West, starting the day in Las Vegas and then continuing on to Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado before heading to Detroit where he will spend the night.

The Associated Press reported last week that the judge had denied a motion to quash a subpoena for the president to show up for the hearing, which is scheduled for 9

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Above-The-Law Obama Rejects Solyndra Scandal Subpoena

The Above-The-Law Obama administration, which is the most corrupt and secretive administration in U.S. History, has decided that they will not cooperate with the subpoena of documents relating to the Obama administration’s role in the Solyndra government loan scandal and coverup.

Obama is so dirty, and corrupt, and his administration is in big trouble in the next election as well, so they have a lot to hide.

They talk about how many pages, of the wrong documents, they have handed over already, but the Obama administration is hiding the documents that show what corrupt activities and crimes they have been involved in.

President Obama’s attorney sent a letter to Congressional investigators on Friday, saying the White House would not cooperate with a subpoena requesting documents related to its doling out a $535 million loan guarantee to now bankrupt solar panel manufacturer Solyndra.

“I can only conclude that your decision to issue a subpoena, authorized by a party-line vote, was driven more by partisan politics than a legitimate effort to conduct a responsible investigation,” Obama’s counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler, wrote in a

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